the tournament(fixed)

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Walking over to the colluseum, what I assume to be the place where the tournament is placed at. It would not really make sense if it was in a different place. Mordred having a nameless sword strapped to her side, cause she has not gotten clarent yet.

Mordred: hay bro when did you get the sword. it looked shiny? And why aren't you using it now?

(y/n): well when i left you i was lead to a cave, and it it this was in a stone. And I don't want to use a magic blade in a tournament.

Mordred: like caliburn

(y/n): I guess? But I don't think that it has anything to do with caliburn's mission.

Mordred: that would make sense, I mean caliburn is held by the king after all. It's probably just some random magic sword

the sword I have at my side is my training sword, the one I had when me and Mordred left the house. you may thing it was wood. but mordred found it better and more thrilling to actually train with metal blades. cant blame her though. i keep excaliburn in its sheath at my waist.

We go up to the kiosk and talk to the guy there, assuming that he was the one that signed us in to it. Which he was. And simply sign up.

The tournament was held today so we are signing up for it a bit late, but luckily we are not the only ones.

With that we move to where the fighters are taking position. The rules written on the paper where simple. no killing, no mortally wounding, any weapon is allowed. The rounds are built where you fight someone and if you are the winner you move to the next round.

Looking over to the guy that is supposed to be my opponent. He is jacked, probably just a muscle head. But never underestimate people, they always have surprises. My eyes wander over the people, some beginners, some not. My eyes are drawn to the man who mordred is up against. he looks to be a 20 year old. He looks proud but judging his stance he has not held a real blade in his life. And he has no idea just who he is fighting against.

i almost feel bad for the guy.

anyway the colosseum is built that the audience is looking down at the fights which are held in the ring.

The fights are separating in two types of fights, short and slow. Ones that took so long because the two people where the same skill level or are drawing it out to flaunt off, or the short fights that are quick because the people just want to be done.

Eventually those fights are done with. The swords placed down. And finally it is my turn. And I walk onto the stage. The nameless sword held in my hand. Getting into a loose position that gaurds my vitals.

I slowly rotate around looking for an opening, there where many but I did not want to kill him, so I took the one that dealt the least damage. and stepped forward swinging my sword.

As I step forward he goes for a horizontal slash. and i deflect with my sword sending the sword over to his right. I retaliate by slashing upward. He backsteps loosing his footing falling to the ground. so i choose to end it. Placing my blade against his neck

(y/n): concede

(...): I..I..I concede just get this blade off of my neck!

I Moving off of the stage. Walking over to my seat and go back into a watching pose. There where not much fights that I think are entertaining or meaningful. this is going to be boring. That may be true but I still watch antisipating for when it is finally mordreds turn to fighting. And when it is, I sit up in my chair. After all, i feel bad for who she is fighting.

reincarnated in fate as Mordred's brother(reader)Where stories live. Discover now