servant of the grail war

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(father): (y/n)!!

(kiritsugu) i thought that we only summoned Arthur, but who is this women and man.

(father): yes i was called Arthur in my life, but my real name is artoria pendragon

(kiritsugu): but who is this person.

(y/n): servant (y/n) pendragon ruler class. with my mother in this war. dont disappoint me master.

kiritsugu checks his hand to see if there is more command seals because of having two servants. but he only sees his original one, artoria's

(y/n): i was not talking to you...

(y/n) says as he turns to irisviel, he stairs at her hand and feels the command seal on her. and smiles at her, maybe in this timeline he can save irisviel.

(y/n): master..

(irisviel): what i thought that kiritsugu was the master.

irisviel looks at her hand to see that there is infact command seals on it, that look like artoria's with slight mix in it of different things.

(kiritsugu): but i thought that we used avalon to only summon artoria here.

(y/n): its quite easy to realize, my sword is the elder sibling sword to excalibur and caliburn. it is a sword that can only be wielded by me. its name, excaliburn

(irisviel): there is no sword of that name in the legends.

(y/n): that is because im forgotten, or purposely out of the story.

(irisviel): so what would be your title than

(y/n): (y/n) pendragon the deserter knight, i got this title because i left the round table before the war. not choosing any side to fight on.

(kiritsugu): we might want to keep you a secret than.

(y/n): i would suggest that, i will be in my spirit form protecting irisviel.

(y/n) seems to disappear in blue lights, or fad into the wind.

they start to go toward kiritsugu's house, after everyone gets in to the house (y/n) starts to go back into his physical form for them.

(irisviel): (y/n) forgive me for asking, but can i know your story

(y/n): it is okay irisviel i can do that. ehem

(y/n): there was a boy born with a sister. with a mother who was there for them, a teacher that taught them the wonders of magic, knights around them that taught them swordsmanship. they trained for there entire lives. practicing the things they were taught. when they got older, they split up, only for a little while and they would meet back up at the kingdom.

(y/n): the boy when wandering around found a cave, a cave that was locked away by magic. the magic when he touched it moved away from the door letting him in. when he opened the door he found stairs. going down the stairs thing were dark, barely any light in the pathway. he must have been down there for days. or what felt like.

(y/n): when he got to the bottom of the cave he found a beautiful sword filled with power that seemed to be calling out to him.

at this time saber, kiritsugu and illya came into the room hearing the story, illya laying on her moms lap.

(y/n): with all his might he lifted the sword out of the large ornate stone that the sword was in. it slowly came out filling the boy with indescribable power. not wasting any time he left out of the cave, missing his sister already.

(y/n): he rode his horse to the kingdom that he had told his sister to meet up at. when they got there they hugged missing each other. to catch the eye of the king his sister and him signed into a tournament where the king would be watching to recruit people.

(y/n): they fought there way through the tournament catching the eye of the king. they each where invited to join the king.

(y/n): they had many adventures, and did many things.

(y/n): but soon there mother called them to the house where she lived. there mother told them a secret, well at least the sister. the boy already left the house figuring out what she wanted to tell them. there mother was a wicked women, she made a evil plan. to take over the kingdom. first was to birth the children of the king, second was to tell them. and third was to rule over the people.

(y/n): the boy rode on a horse on the way to the king, he told the king that he was his son. but the king already knew this. in there conversation the boy knew what was going to happen so he left his duty.

(illya): why did he quit.

(y/n): because he knew what was going to happen, the king never wanted the sister to be king. the king wanted the boy to.

(illya): how did he know.

(y/n): by this time he already knew because he knew both the king and his sister really well.

(y/n): the kingdom soon came into war as father fought daughter, and brothers fought brothers, knights fought knights.

(y/n): when he was done being out of the war, and the war was at its closing. he went to the battlefield.

(y/n): when he got there he was in horror because his brothers his comrades where all laying on the ground in a forever sleep. on the top of the hill he say his sister and father fighting, he sprinted up the hill, trying to stop them. when he got closer they where about to finish the fight. he got up there and the final his instead of hitting there target hit the boy. him falling down staring at sky.

when (y/n) was done with his story he saw that illya was asleep, on her mothers lap. artoria was crying hearing the story of her child. kiritsugu in thought the entire time. and irisviel seemed to be a bit sad.

(kiritsugu): that is a weird way of telling your story, almost moving through pages of a picture book. it kinda sick

(irisviel): thats really sad, i didn't know you had such a sad life. im sorry...

(artoria): im sorry my son.

(y/n): i forgave you a long time ago father

(kiritsugu): so why isnt artoria your mother not father.

(y/n): because morgana le fay is my mother.

(kiritsugu): how did that happen.

(y/n): do you really want to know.

(kiritsugu): now that you say that, i dont.

(y/n): yeah you really should not want to know anyway.

everyone starts to go to bed, the saber and ruler go into there spirit form, after (y/n) did irisviel a favor and took illya in to her bedroom, and layed her on her bed. 

(father): so you finally told me the name of your weapon

(y/n): that is what i chose to do, so father... do you envy me

(father): i mean the blade i envy, but drawing that from the stone. like caliburn, and the blade being the older sibling blade. i guess you are the the prince.

(y/n): i was never meant to be prince.

(father): tell that to your class than my son

(y/n): goodnight father see you again on a later fate.

when they wake up the next day they leave to the city designated for the grail war. and leaving poor illya behind.


hay guys, sorry it was kinda a retelling. i wanted to see if i could move on with the story. anyway i will be putting out a chapter tomorrow, and that will be the fighting and stuff.

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