Hunters Exam VI

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        *Misaki POV*

~~This is when Hisoka's Blood lust intensifies and he goes a bit *nuts*~~

        I was exploring the island when I suddenly felt an enormous increase of blood lust nearby. Hisoka! I ran towards the source and sure enough, Hisoka stood in the clearing, muttering about blood and killing. I sighed, guess some people just don't change. Then, I noticed Gon hiding, concealing his presence. He seems to have improved quite a bit from when we last talked. He seemed to be tracking Hisoka, ah well, I decide to let the boy do his thing.

        "Hisoka~~" I called out. He responded by shooting nen-coated cards at me. I sighed, and jumped up, back flipping as I went. The cards sliced through the tree behind me, and the next tree, and the next, until they got lodged in a rock five trees away. I wiped my forehead. Hisoka was scary! When I landed, I noticed that the cards had also taken some of my hair. I growled. 

        "Is that any way to greet your friend?" I snapped at him. The word friend seemed to shake him out of it a little.

        "Ah... Misaki-chan. What have you been up to?"

        "Hmm... I'll tell you later. Not feeling the bond, since you just tried to kill me." He chuckled.

        "I apologize Misaki-chan. I haven't spilled blood in quite a while... you understand."

        I nodded. "There'll be plenty of jobs once we get back from the Exams." I reminded him. He curled his lips in a satisfied grin.

        "Indeed there will."

        "So anyways." I continued, but Hisoka shushed me. He cocked his head to the right. Frowning, I looked over. There was someone there!

        "Up for some killing?" I grinned at the psycho clown.

        We shot off. Leaving dust in our wake. Our target gasped as we approached, but it was far too late. He took out his sword to defend, and Hisoka whipped out his cards. Hmm... I should get him some bejeweled ones... I thought as I dashed behind the target. As Hisoka slit his jugular, I slashed my Nodachi downwards, absorbing his life force. The body fell dead.

        During that exchange, Gon's fishing rod had swept in, taking Hisoka's ID tag. Oh.. So that's what he was up to. I pitied the kid for his bad luck. Hisoka looked towards Gon, and begun to smile really creepily. I sighed, I need to get this clown to a shrink! I'm even willing to sit in on therapy sessions with him... I whacked him in the head.

        "Ow! Misaki! What was that for!" He complained, Gon was already on the run. I pouted. "Don't stare at children like that, it's creepy!"

        In the direction of Gon, I heard a loud thump. Did someone else catch Gon? I looked at Hisoka, he shrugged. I walked towards the sound. Halfway there, we ran into someone who had both Hisoka and Gon's ID.

        "What did you do to my friend!" I roared, killing intent rolling off me like flames.

        "N-nothing! I swear!" 

        I didn't listen, I charged at him with my whip and was about to whip him to bits when Hisoka stepped in and killed him.

        "Hey!" I protested. "Gon's my friend... You only look at him weirdly." 

        Hisoka smirked. Then, he picked up the dead body and continued walking in the direction Gon had taken. I growled and muttered under my breath about kill stealing. Then, I stomped after him.

        I found Gon lying on the ground, tranquilized. Hisoka stood over him, saying creepy things. I crossed my arms and tapped my feet impatiently. What is with this clown? Hisoka tossed the two IDs back to Gon, who then managed to stand up, despite being hit by the tranquilizer that usually knocks someone out for 10 days.

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