Yorknew I

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*A/N: AHHHHHH ALMOST 4K!!!! SO CLOSE TO 4000 READS!!! Thank you so so so so much!!! I'm crying right now asdfghjkl.




Ok I'll settle down and write now.*


*Hisoka POV*

I sighed and tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for Misaki to finish shopping. The troupe had arrived at Yorknew the day before, but to keep Chrollo from knowing about Misaki, I came a day late. It's so taxing trying to avoid the other Spiders. They keep sneaking up on me. I shuddered.

The changing room door opened and Misaki stepped out in yet another ensemble. It was a ridiculously expensive dress. I couldn't even tell for the life of me what colour it was supposed to be. Was it black and blue?? White and gold??

"Ta-da! How do I look?" She said, showing off said ensemble. My eyes crossed and I had to look away.

"You look fine." I said. I could see her pouting in my mind. She turned around and asked the store manager how much it was.

"O-oh! It's on the house, Miss Mirak!" The woman squeaked out. She obviously recongized me as a Troupe member and didn't want trouble. I smirked. That was wise of her.

"Ehh? Why?" Misaki asked. I sighed. This memory loss thing was seriously affecting my sleep. It wasn't just that she forgot who I was, but she had told me, unknowingly, that she liked me. So, this was an awkward situation. I do like her back, no, I love her. But how can I tell her when she "only knows me for a day?"

This whole mess was hurting my head. I rubbed my temple and sighed, blood-lust leaking as my temper grew. The manager was rambling on and on about how the dress just fits her perfectly and why she should have it on the house and blah blah blah blah!!!

"Misaki!" I said sternly. "We're going to be late meeting Kurapika!"

She looked over and finally noticed what time it was. She yepled and hurriedly changed into her normal clothes, thank kami, and I proceeded to pick up all fifty of her bags. God! I missed the old Misaki. She was so much more into killing than shopping. (T-T)

*Kurapika POV*

I waited in the hotel room anxiously. Hisoka had contacted me the day before about a situation concerning Misaki that needed my dire attention, and knowing that, I haven't been able to sleep in ages. I knew what I felt a few days ago, that burning sensation in my heart, wasn't just a fluke. Something had happened to my lady, and I cursed myself for leaving her alone. I could've prevented whatever had happened If I had just...!!!!

There came a knock on the door, then five knocks, then three. It was the code me and Hisoka had agreed on. I was suspicious others would come looking for me. He didn't know that I was in Yorknew to gather the eyes of my brethen, and I was determined to keep that secret.

I opened the door and in burst an avalanche of shopping bags. A haggard looking Hisoka stumbled in after, along with Misaki. I laughed, but my blood turned to ice when I noticed Misaki's hair. I gasped.

"Misaki-sama! What happened to your hair???"

She looked at me, puzzled. "What do you mean? My hair's always been this way. Who are you?"

Hisoka sighed and explained to me with a pained voice that Misaki had lost nearly all her memories. I stared, awe-struck. My lady's beautiful hair, which had those beautiful crimson streaks was now a plain ravens black. Did that mean she lost Akihiko-sama's light powers as well?

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