Hunters Exam IV

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A/N: See media section for the third form of the Seven Sins, The Whip of Sloth.


*Misaki's POV*

        As the air ship landed, I noticed Kurapika staring at me. I raised my eyebrows, but he only glared at me. What's his deal? Miffed, I walked over to ask, but Hisoka grabbed my arm. "Now now," he chided. "You shouldn't be talking to that Kurapika kid."

        I looked at him, puzzled. "Why not?" He smirked.

        "Didn't leader tell you? The Phantom Troupe wiped out the Kurta's. He's the sole survivor." I pouted. "So why can't I hang out with him?" Hisoka stared at me, a look of dsibelief on his face.

        "Didn't you hear what I just said, the guy will hate your guts once he knows you're the black widow!" He growled.

        "I didn't kill his clan though!" I said with a whine in my voice. "I just wanna be friends with him. Hisoka~~ Don't be such a jealous clown. It's not like I'm gonna run away with him or anything." He fumed. I could tell that he didn't like me making other friends, but I can't rely on him forever. I smiled gently.

        "It'll be alright Hisoka, you don't have to worry about me so much, I can take care of myself." With that, I exited the airship.

*Kurapikas POV*
        I stared mindlessly at the Trick Tower, unsure of what we were supposed to be doing. Suddenly, I heard a girl yelling, "Kurapika!!!" I turned around. It was Misaki... The black widow. I narrowed my eyes, unsure how I should react to her. Luckily I didn't have to, halfway through her walk towards me, she stepped on a tile which disappeared underneath her feet. She fell, with her hand outstretched, reaching for me. I resisted the urge to jump after her and help her, though I did relay this information about the tiles to my friends. Who is Misaki? I wondered, and why do I feel the need to protect her with my life?

*Misaki POV*

        I ran to greet Kurapkia, but when I got about halfway, a tile underneath my foot disappeared and I fell down. I landed on both feet, and saw a chair nearby. It looked really comfy, so I sat down. Immediately, ropes wrapped around me.

        "Ey!" I called out to the darkness, "What's the meaning of this?"

        There was static in the back ground, then a screen flashed open. It was the Bean like character from before.

        "Well, Miss Hanuka," The Bean said, "Due to lack of participation during the first phase of the exam, the chairman has requested that you do a special mini test during this phase." Around me, lights flickered on. I gulped. There were about 1000 inmates sneering at me, the only thing between them and me right now were gates. I turned back to face Mr.Bean.

        "As you can see, there are exactly 1350 prison inmates here, 1000 D-ranked, 100 C-ranked, 100 B-ranked, 75 A-ranked, 50-S ranked and 25 SS-ranked. You will be asked to defeat them all, and you will be judged on your time."

        "Defeat them? Can I kill them?" I asked. 

        "If it comes to that," Mr.Beans said slowly, "No one will stop you. The prisoners will be coming at you in 5 waves, each wave will have the same number of DCBAS and SS ranked criminals. Are you quite prepared?" The ropes on the chair fell off, and the chair folded itself into the floor. I was still staring at that when Mr.Bean asked again. "Are you ready? Misaki Hanuka?"

        "Ah~' Yes Sir!" I chimed. A count down started on one of the walls. "T-minus 30 seconds...29....28"

        I felt the Seven Sins surge within me, and I realized I could bring out its third form already. It was a whip enveloped with nen, to be controlled with my will. The end of the whip was a spike, and there were mini spikes along the length. When I used nen on it, the whip flashed a brilliant yellow. 

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