Greed Island III

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A/N :  Gomen. Gomen. So sorry about not updating in... forever?? I had this huge sketchbook assignment due this week, and as the laziest person on earth, I rushed it all last minute q.q

        It makes me mad... I can't hand in manga because the teacher doesn't like them, teacher is a baka >.>

        So hey it's realistic drawings! *happy face* *rolls eyes* Anyways I'm not lying about this xD You see I drew shitty drawings =^w^=

//On another note...//

        Woah. This story actually hit 10K Reads... I can't... *tears up* Thank you all for the support. Ilysm. *Bows* I hope you enjoy this chapter.


~Time Skip all the explaining stuff on the Game~

        "And what about you three?"

        "Sorry Killua," Gon said, turning away from the recruiter. "I'm out."

        "Well, you heard the leader." Killua stuck his hands in his pockets and walked off as well.

        The recruiter looked desperately at me, hoping for a different answer. I smirked. "Nah."

        I caught up to Killua and Gon, who was apologizing once again for not taking his offer of joining the party. I sighed, Gon was so innocent it hurts. Suddenly, I felt eyes staring at us and claimed a bellyache.

         I turned the corner and activated Zetsu, sneaking back to see who was following us. I gasped as I took in her blonde hair and puffy pink dress... It was Bisky-sama! I gulped, she was scary the last time we met, expanding and all that. I quickly ran back to the boys again and tried to act normal.

        We traded the fish cards for money, then went to buy a map. Gon wanted to get the cheaper one with no information, but I was more skeptical, and bought one with information.

        "But Misaki-chan!" Gon complained at my nearly empty wallet. "What's the fun in that?"

        "Well, let's see. I can avoid fights?" I said, not looking amused. Honestly, guilt from when I left Hisoka was still killing me, and at the rate that Gon and Killua were going, I felt like we were going to be stuck in the game for...ever. Suddenly, I had a bright idea.

        "Hey guys!" I said, stopping in the middle of the road. They turned back to look at me. 

        "Let's split up to look for the cards, that way it'll be faster. I'll keep a return card so I can get back to you guys. Ok?"

        "Wha- Misaki-chan! Don't leave us, you just got here!" Gon said, his eyes widening adorably.

        "Misaki. What's wrong." Killua asked, his blue eyes piercing into my soul. I shook my head and smiled.

        "Nu-uh. Nothing's wrong. I'm fine, you see?" I smiled extra wide.

        "Your smiles so fake..." Killua muttered under his breath. I sighed inwardly. How could I explain the pains of love to such innocent kids? Feeling worse and worse, I kept smiling. 

        "Killua~chan! You're just being silly now. I'm purr-fectly fine." I patted his head. "Call me if you guys need anything~ Love ya!"

        With that, I sped off in the opposite direction, slamming right into Bisky.

        "Gomen!" I apologized profusely. She didn't notice me, instead making a bee-line for Gon and Killua, her face morphed into a child's. I couldn't deny it, she was really cute in that form. I could only hope that her presence will soothe Gon and Killua. I squeezed my hands into fists.

Who is She?  ||COMPLETED||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora