Sin III - Gluttony

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*Third Person POV*

*munch* *chew* *munch*

A young man and his sister sat in a dimly lit cave. Said sister was munching happily on her bucket of chicken meat, while said brother was rapidly getting fed up with the eating sounds.

"Gah! Lilith! Cut it out man."

The demon glared at the rude voice, and threw the chicken leg at him.

"Look Lautis, just because we're siblings doesn't mean I have to put up with your attitude. I mean, how can you complain about me eating when you're the freaking Demon of Gluttony?"

Lautis shrugged, his pale hair tracing his shoulders.

"Look man, I eat, but I don't eat such... common food... My taste is a bit more exquisite..." He smirked.

"I do enjoy the taste of blood."

Besides him, Lilith rolled her eyes. "Bruh, just because you were born with vampire fetishes doesn't mean you are one."

"And just because you weren't born a human doesn't mean you have to ... You know what, whatever. I've had enough of this conversation."

Lilith stuck her tongue out, then returned to eating her chicken.

"I'm going to prepare." Lautis said, and with jaguar like grace, sprung to the door leading further down the cave.

"For what?" Lilith asked.

Lautis stopped, and turned around coolly. "You-know-what." 

*Tsubasa POV*

"Hisoka!~" Misaki shouted as she jumped on the jester's back. He looked up at her, bemused.


"So, I found for sure for sure where the Ex is hiding." Misaki said with a grin.

"Hmm. Took you long enough."

She bonked him on the head while telling him the directions to a nearby cave.

I face-palmed. How could she be worried about something as trivial as an assassination request when the fate of the world was at stake? The solstice is coming up in a week and the only thing she's done about it is yell at me.

I sighed, and pulled out of her conscience. I walked in circles within my room. If you could even call it a room. It was shaped like a bird cage, but with glass surrounding the entire thing. I couldn't break it no matter how hard I tried, and the only time I left in the last millennium was when I talked with Hisoka the other day.

As I paced furiously within the confines of Misaki's mind, I thought back to the first Solstice.

~About 2000 years ago~

 She was given the task of collecting all seven components of a magical weapon. Her grand-father himself assigned it to her. He was the head of the family at the time, and she knew that they were planning a rebellion against Heaven.  

He didn't trust her father with this mission; He said that her father was too soft.

"You must collect the Seven, no matter what... Misaki."

I think it was about that time that I was born. A second personality. One that would do anything for the sake of the family. Misaki was too soft as well. She was a kind person by nature, and she would definitely not rebel against "The protectors of humanity"

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