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A/N: Hey, so you know how I said the epilogue was going to be clean?

I lied... Sorry x.x

I just had the most amazing idea for a book, so check it out please!

It's called |Cursed By The Otaku|

Basically a guy gets cursed by an otaku, and he ends up in the world of Naruto... As a girl.

You can find it on my profile where Follow me used to be.

Sorry again, and thank you!

Dedicated to Stellaswan13 because she wanted an epilogue ^-^


*Third Person POV*

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Hisoka and Misaki in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, that is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly." The Minister read as the happy couple stood beaming at each other.

The petals of the nearby sakura trees fell gently as a soft wind drifted past. There was an air of peace in the garden, even though both the Phantom Troupe and the Hunters Association were both gathered; an uneasy treaty had been agreed upon.

"Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined.If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The minister continued, his voice a happy boom amidst the peaceful silence.

Suddenly, a loud rumble was heard. Both the heavens and earth split open as the Angel of Death and the Lord of Hell both sprang forth, shouting out their pleas.

"Tsubasa!" Akihiko cried out. "I know you're still in there! Come back to me, please!"

"Misaki!" Lucifer cried, "Please don't do this."

Upon this disruption, the Minister lowered his glasses and peered out into the crowd.

"And what are your reasons for this wedding to cease?"

The responses came simultaneously.

"I am the devil!"

"I am an angel!"

"Ne, Hisoka." Misaki said from underneath her veil. "I think it's time we left for the actual wedding."

"Hmm, good idea." Hisoka said, smirking. Then he pulled out the Greed Island Book that Gon had given them as a wedding gift.

"Teleport on; Leorio."


The two landed inside the Zoldyck estate, much to the surprise of Mike, who started barking up a frenzy.

"Calm down boy." Killua said, walking out from underneath the dog's large legs.

"You guys are early." Killua said with a grin on his face. "What happened?"

Misaki rolled her eyes. "I guess I'm just too beloved."

Hisoka chuckled. "She was just worried that I would've gone into a killing frenzy if those two idiots kept going."

Misaki jabbed her fiance in the stomach, but blushed nonetheless. "It's not like you didn't know they were going to show up."

Hisoka smiled. From behind Mike, another voice called out.

"Misaki! Hisoka!" It was Gon, tripping over himself in his excitement. "You're here! I can't believe you're actually getting married."

"It's such a beautiful combination..." Bisky swooned with stars in her eyes. "An angelic moonstone, with the devilish obsidian."

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