Hunters Exam III

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A/NI found a pretty accurate picture for Tsubasa's normal* face and hair. I don't own it!~

*No spells, no power surges. Just plain blue x3 As well, she gets the red streaks... *cough* I don't know yet shhhh

Back to the story~  


*Misaki POV*

I stared at the examiners. Were they serious? We had to cook a pig for them? Wow. That's just... lame. Actually, it's more like I couldn't cook to save my life. I sighed, was I really going to fail the Hunters Exam to a domestic chore? I looked around, but everybody was gone already, off finding pigs. 

I giggled at the thought, the ruthless killer Hisoka looking for a pig to cook. Moments later, I heard shrieks as the pigs chased many of the hunters around. I almost died laughing. This was too hilarious.

"Something funny?" Menchi, the female examiner came up to me with a frown on her face. I was still giggling when I said, "Nah," She threw me another dirty look before wandering off. Pshhh, she thinks she's better than me just because she can throw a few things on the flame? Please! I stomped off to find one of those "pigs".

~Found one~

"Uwah" I cried out. The pig was huge! It was also very scary looking. I looked around, Hisoka stood to the side, smirking. "Help!~" I yelled out as the pig started to chase me. People nearby started laughing. This was shameful! I was the Black Widow! I've killed more than they could ever imagine! How dare they laugh at me?! 

Suddenly, a boy with blond hair shot past me and killed the pig by hitting it on the forehead. Oh~ That was their weakness! I grinned at the boy, and realized it was Kurapika.

"Awwh Thanks!" I squealed, throwing my arms around him. He tensed immediately, and turned red. "Y-you're welcome." He muttered. I giggled, so adorable~ Why did Hisoka look so angry all of a sudden? Ah well~ 

Carrying the pig back wasn't easy. I had to hide my actual power from the other applicants, so I looked to Hisoka with my best puppy eyes. He scoffed and said, "Go get your Kurapika to help you." Then he walked away, carrying his pig with one hand. What a jerk! 

*Hisoka's POV*

I watched in disbelief as Misaki flung her arms across the stupid Kurta, how many times had I saved her butt in the past? I don't see her thanking me. That kid was going to pay. Misaki looked at me for help carrying the pig. 

I don't know what came over me but I said "Go get your Kurapika to help you." Trying so hard to act nonchalant, I walked away with the pig on one shoulder. I looked back after a few minutes and my blood boiled. That Kurapika kid had the two pigs side towed behind him, and Misaki was running with the damn brat, and laughing! The last time I've seen her laugh... that was forever ago.


We had come back from a mission to infiltrate the royal guards, but Misaki just ended up killing them all, on the walk back, she was describing the chef as he died.

"Oh! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" She mocked, then laughed. It wasn't  a quick giggle or a fake smile, but a laugh that was free of worries. She absolutely adored killing, and I started taking a special interest in her. 

The way her eyes gleamed when she went in for the kill... It gives me such a thrill. That's when I realized I can't kill the girl. I'd have so much more fun killing with her by my side. Misaki was part of the spiders, but more importantly she was mine.

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