Greed Island I

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// A/N:  Yo! *Bows* Thank chu for 8000 Reads! =^w^=

I was thinking of doing a spin-off/ AU where Misaki ends up with Lucifer (The Devil) It'll just be like a one-shot chapter... I dunno, would this interest you? Comment and tell me =^w^=

In other news... It's game time!! I always loved Greed Island *w* 

Also if you havent, check out the two stories i'm entering for contests ^-^

=> The Dead Don't Dance and The Magician's Secret <=

Arigato Mina! //

*Hisoka POV*

        I looked up to those wretched gates of heaven and growled. How can they let someone so awful, someone who broke my heart in but not me? I mean, all I've ever done was kill people, so what?

        The doors opened again, taunting me, and I narrowed my eyes. A figure emerged from the doors and smiled gently at me. He had blue hair and golden eyes, with black angelic wings that emerged from his shoulder blades. Why did he look s familiar? Then, I remembered. This was Akihiko, the guy who died to save Misaki/Tsubasa. 

        My eyes lit up with blood lust. He was strong, so strong. I was going to kill him. Kill. Kill. I charged at him, with a huge grin on my face as I slashed cards at his face. He effortlessly dodged me as his expression grew worried, concerned.

        What right does he have to be concerned for me?? I threw more cards at him, while charging again, aiming for his neck, his heart, all his fatal spots. I saw him sigh as he finally got into battle mode. IT was too late, as he ran towards me, in a desperate attempt to stop me, I disappeared in front of his face and reappeared above him, hooking my foot under his right ankle and pulling.

        He fell, and I was already on top of him, punching at him. When I finally felt satisfied, I raised a card, the Joker, to deal the final strike. But just as I was bringing the card down, Misaki's face flashed in my mind and I... I slammed the card down right besides Akihiko's ear. Cracking the ground beneath us. 

        "W-why..." I said, so softly that only an angel could'ce heard me. "Why do you get her love and I don't? What did I do?" I asked, my voice rising with every word. "What is so wrong with me that she'll never love me? WHY. DID. SHE. SAY. THAT?!" I finally roared out. Exhausted, I slumped down. Akihiko took advantage of this and immediately sprang up, his wings blowing dust onto my face, but I was far too sad to care.

        Then, he slapped me right across the face. I looked up at him sharply, death threats hiding behind my eyes.

        "Why do you think she said that you idiot?!" He yelled back at me. Man, this guy didn't pack much of a punch, but his voice was so loud! "If she didn't say that, you would've bled to death, and did you think there would be any other way for Lucifer to let you guys go?"

        He sighed, and stood up, offering me a hand. "Isn't it obvious? She lied, because she loves you."

        I sat there, stunned. Misaki loved me? Oh... Oh no. She must think I'm a horrible person... Well, more horrid than I was... Ignoring Akihiko's hand, I sprang up, terror of what I'd done sending adrenaline rushing through my body. 

        "Damn it! How do I get out of here? I need to talk to Misaki! Where is she?"

        Akihiko sighed, clearly he was getting annoyed with me.

        "First, you try to kill me, then, you act like an idiot. Why don't you calm the hell down??'

        "WE ARE IN HELL!" I roared at him, furious. 

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