You're our kids?!

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Requested from @Alexionw. In this, Ash, Gladion, Lillie, Mallow, Lana and Kiawe meet their kids thanks to Celebi. I hope you all like this. I'm not sure if this is one of my best writings. Thank you

Seven-year-old Sakura ran out of the school courtyard, sobbing in anger, ignoring her father's calls for her to come back. She ran angrily through the forest until she tripped over a tree root. Sakura growled before she started to cry again.

"Are you alright, cousin?"

Sakura took a deep breath as she pushed herself to her knees. Quickly wiping her eyes, she turned to see her cousin Basil and her two best friends, Cordelia and Kaehi, who were twins.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she smiled as she pulled off her hat to fix her long, blonde hair. "I'm sorry I ran off. I'm just so angry at them. They're being so unfair!"

"You really should apologise to your dads, Saki," Cordelia said as she sat down next to Sakura.

"No, I don't!" Sakura snapped. "They're not even my real fathers!"

"That doesn't matter," Kaehi said as he sat down. "You're their daughter. They adopted and raised you. They love you. You should go back and talk to them."

Sakura rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going back," she said, feeling anger again. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You punched someone, cousin," Basil said. "I know that guy was being mean about our family, but that doesn't mean you should punch someone."

Sakura sighed.

"I just don't understand why papa is angry with me," she said. "He's always saying you should always defend friends, family and Pokémon from bullies."

"Yeah, by being the bigger person," Basil stated. "Not breaking someone's nose."

Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I guess so," she said before taking in her surroundings. "How far did I run?"

"Pretty fair," Cordelia said. "We should make our way back."

"Do we have to?" Sakura groaned. "I'm not in the mood for being yelled at some more."

"Would you rather walk home now or have mum send her Ninetails after us?" Basil said.

"Ugh, fine," Sakura said as she stood up. "Let's go back and get this over and done with."

As the four kids made their way back to Sakura's house, they noticed that they were in an unfamiliar area within the Melemele forest.

"Um, you do know the way back, don't you, Saki?" Kaehi said, feeling a little nervous about how lost they were getting.

"Course I do," Sakura said as she looked around. "We should go...this way."

Basil, Cordelia and Kaehi gave each other uncertain looks before following Sakura towards a more open area.

"See," Sakura beamed as she started to walk backwards. "I know what I'm doing, no matter what dad and papa believe."

"Cousin, look out!" Basil cried just as Sakura tripped over a branch and fell backwards off a cliff.

Sakura closed her eyes, waiting for the impact, only it never came. She opened her eyes to see she was staring at the trees below her. She looked behind her to see her cousin and friends holding on to the back of her shirt with one hand and a branch with the others.

"Hang on, Saki!" Cordelia said. "We'll pull you up! Just don't move too much!"

Sakura held her breath, trying to be as still as possible, when she heard something crack. Looking behind her, Sakura saw the branch was about to break.

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