What if?

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So I was asked to write about what if Gladion was taken by Nihilego instead of Lusamine. So after doing some research, I decided to write the episodes from the end of "Faba's Revenge" to "10, 000, 000 Reasons to Fight." There is no copy straight from the anime because the circumstances are different, and this is an Ash and Gladion based story. I'm also not including Team Rocket and the episode "rescuing the unwilling"; I renamed "rescuing the blind". I hope you all enjoy it. Requested from @Serena09062006. Thank you.

Set at the end of Faba's Revenge:

As the Ultra Beast flew down and grabbed Gladion, he felt fear and relief. Relief that his mother and sister were safe, but fear because the Ultra Beast had its tentacles wrapped tightly around him and was starting to carry him back towards the Ultra Wormhole.

"Gladion!" Ash screamed as he ran forward and grabbed Gladion's hands. "I've got you!"

Ash pulled on Gladion's hands, trying his hardest to get Gladion out of the Ultra Beast's grip. Silvally grabbed Gladion's bag in his mouth and pulled as hard as he could while Umbreon leapt up and started biting and scratching the Ultra Beast in a desperate attempt to get the Ultra Beast to release her trainer.

"We've got you, Gladion!" Ash cried as Gladion started to cry in fear. "We won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

Suddenly, the machine exploded, causing the Ultra Beast to lurch back and violently drag Gladion with it. Gladion's bag snapped from his hips, leaving it dangling in Silvally's mouth, just as Ash lost his grip on Gladion's hands.

"No!" Ash screamed as he helplessly watched the Ultra Beast take Gladion and Umbreon away through the Ultra Wormhole.

"Gladion!" Lusamine and Lillie screamed in horror as the Ultra Wormhole closed.

Love and Family Determination:

Everyone stared in disbelief at the spot where the Ultra Wormhole had been. Lusamine started sobbing while Lillie collapsed to her knees.

"Lillie!" Ash cried, snapping out of his shock. He quickly ran to her and stared at her face, gripping her shoulders.

"Lillie?" Ash said gently. "Are you okay? Talk to me!"

"Gladion..." she whimpered as Snowy and Pikachu wandered over and started to nuzzle her leg in an attempt to comfort her.

Ash looked back to where the Ultra Wormhole had appeared, only this time his face was filled with anger. Suddenly, he felt something nudge his shoulder. He turned his head to see Silvally standing next to him, still holding Gladion's bag in his mouth. Silvally dropped the bag onto his lap before gesturing to it with his head. Frowning, Ash unzipped the bag to see different coloured discs and Silvally's premier ball.

I know these, he thought as he zipped up the bag again. Gladion used one of these to turn Silvally into a dark type. Gladion...


Ash snapped out of his thoughts to see Burnet and Wicke scolding Faba about what he did. Ash stood up and quickly snapped the bag around his hips.

"It's all Lusamine's fault! Not mine!" Faba was saying. "I'm innocent!"

"Innocent?!" Lusamine screamed as she lunged towards Faba and angrily pressed him against the wall by his coat.

"You opened an Ultra Wormhole, put Lillie in danger, hurt and frightened Nebby and got my son taken away by a dangerous Ultra Beast!" she screamed angrily as tears rolled down her cheeks. "How are you innocent?!"

"Lusamine, please!" Wicke begged as she tried to pull Lusamine off of Faba.

"I've got to save him!" Lillie suddenly said. Lusamine looked behind her to see Lillie was standing with a determined look on her face.

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