Saving Silvally and Gladion- A rewrite of Mission: Total Recall

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So this request comes from @iluvanime9000, formally @shinymegaumbreon. I have been asked to do a rewrite of the episode Mission: Total Recall. In this one, Faba tries to erase Gladion's memory of Silvally after Gladion sneaks into the Aether Foundation to save Silvally. Anyway, I hope you all like this. Happy Pride Month everyone and remember to stay safe and be kind. Enjoy, hugs

Gladion groaned in pain as he slowly came to.

Oh Arceus, he thought. Hypno's hypnosis hurts so much! Wait...

Gladion sat up and quickly looked to his right to see Lycanroc beside him waking up slowly.

"Are you alright?" Gladion asked urgently.

"Lycan," Lycanroc growled softly with a nod. Gladion sighed in relief as he gave Lycanroc a scratch under his chin before turning to the wall where Umbreon was sitting up with a whimper.

"Umbreon!" Gladion cried with worry as he quickly crawled over to Umbreon before pulling Umbreon into his arms while Lycanroc moved closer.

"Umbreon," he whispered as he stroked Umbreon's back. "Are you okay?"

"Bre," Umbreon said softly as Gladion gently brushed the fur on Umbreon's back in the opposite direction it ran. Gladion gasped when he saw that Umbreon's back was covered in a large angry bruise.

"Oh Umbreon, I'm so sorry," Gladion said as he felt tears well up. "Both of you. I'm so sorry you both got hurt. I was so preoccupied and angry at Faba and his words, I didn't pay attention to the battle. I'm sorry."

Umbreon immediately started licking Gladion's cheek as the tears fell while Lycanroc licked Gladion's hand. Gladion smiled gratefully as he placed his face in Lycanroc's mane while hugging Umbreon.

"Thank you both," he whispered before he sat up properly with a determined look on his face. "We have to save Silvally. We can't let Faba hurt it again."

After getting nods from his Pokémon, Gladion quickly returned Umbreon and Lycanroc to their Pokeballs before running out of the room to get to an Air Ride Pokémon rental place.

Hang in there, Silvally, he thought. I'm coming!


When the class had finished and everyone had left, Ash quickly grabbed Professor Kukui's hand.

"Um Professor," Ash said quietly.

"Yes, Ash?" Kukui smiled.

"There's something I need to tell you," Ash said in a small voice as Nebby floated out of his backpack to sit in Ash's arms so it could see and hear what was going on.

"Of course," Kukui smiled. "What's wrong, Ash?"

"The reason Lillie is scared and can't touch Pokémon again, it's my fault," Ash admitted feeling tears as he remembered Gladion's angry words to him last night while Kukui looked confused.

"It's Ash's fault Lillie can't touch Pokémon again?" Rotom asked in confusion.

"Ash, what do you mean it's your fault Lillie can't touch Pokémon again?" Kukui asked gently.

"A few days before the sleepover, I was thinking about Gladion," Ash started. "And Nebby teleported Pikachu, Lycanroc and I to him."

"So that's where you went," Rotom said.

"Yeah," Ash said. "Anyway, Gladion had a Pokémon with him that he called Silvally. Gladion told me that he knew about Ultra Beasts and he told me how one tried to take away Lillie when he and Lillie were little. He also told me how Silvally saved them both and how the event traumatised Lillie so much that she couldn't touch Pokémon anymore and that she somehow erased it from her memory."

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