Your kisses are sweeter

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Hello everyone, just a small Christmas story for you. Sorry if it doesn't seem very Christmassy. Anyway, I hope you all like it. Merry Christmas, Love Sunset. Hugs xxx

"Are you sure you're okay with your parents working?" Ash asked as he climbed down the ladder. "I mean, the Christmas party is in two days."

"You're more worried than I am," Goh smiled as he put his phone in his pocket. "Don't worry. They'll be here. They're just making sure that nothing will drag them away by doing last-minute preparations. Besides, they're excited about the party we're throwing and they're excited to meet all the new Pokémon I've caught since I saw them months ago."

"And with how many you have," a voice behind them said. "That'll take them a while to meet each one."

Ash and Goh turned to see Chloe, Yamper and Eevee smiling at them.

"Hi Chloe," Ash smiled as he held up some tinsel. "Do you like what we've done with the trees or do you think they need more tinsel?"

"They look fine, I suppose," Chloe said while Ash's face filled with panic.

"Fine?" he asked as he started to climb the ladder again. "Maybe they do need more tinsel."

Chloe blinked before looking at Goh.

"Is he okay?"

"He's been like this since Professor Kukui said he, Professor Burnet, Lei and Ash's Alolan Pokémon were coming to spend Christmas with him," Goh smiled sympathetically. "He wants to make sure that they're comfortable."

"They looked after me while I was in Alola," Ash said as Pikachu jumped over the branches, dragging tinsel behind him. "I want them to enjoy their stay here and I want to be a good brother to Lei. I would hate it if he was unhappy."

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Chloe smiled as Ash started to climb down again. "And you've done a great job decorating the tree."

"Thank you, Chloe," Ash smiled as he reached the bottom.

"You're welcome," Chloe nodded before remembering something. "Oh, I almost forgot. I came to let you know that the professors are here. They're waiting in dad's lab for you."

"They are?!" Ash cried happily. "Come on Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu squealed as he jumped from the tree, landing on Ash's shoulder. Chloe, Goh and their Pokémon watched as Ash ran towards the exit, occasionally tripping and stumbling.

"They mean a lot to him, don't they?" Chloe asked.

"Imagine if your dad lived in a different region," Goh pointed out. "How excited would you be if he came for the holidays?"

"Fair enough," Chloe said. "So, what can Eevee, Yamper and I do to help with this party you and Ash are organising?"


"Professor Kukui! Professor Burnet!" Ash cried as he ran towards the couple. Kukui and Burnet grinned as they caught Ash in their arms.

"Alola, you two!" Burnet smiled as she stroked Ash's hair.

"I've missed you both," Ash said while Pikachu nuzzled Kukui before moving on to Burnet.

"We've missed you too," Kukui smiled. "Thank you for inviting us."

Ash smiled before looking around.

"Do you guys need help with your bags?" he asked.

"No, they're in our rooms already," Kukui said.

"Okay," Ash nodded. "Is Lei asleep right now?"

"No, Ren and Chrysa are playing with him," Burnet smiled. Ash looked at Ren and Chrysa's desk to see the two tickling and talking to Lei, much to the baby's delight. Ash smiled.

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