I'll look after you, Gladion.

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So this request comes from @Yugi_Amane2005. In this one, Gladion is sick so Lycanroc finds Ash, who takes care of Gladion. Here, Gladion sees a different side of Ash that makes him feel very special. The funny thing is I'm writing this while I'm sick with a cold. Anyway, I hope you all like this. I did my best. Enjoy hugs.

Gladion groaned in pain and disgust as he flushed the toilet before standing up. As he washed his hands and rinsed out his mouth to get rid of the aftertaste of bile, he looked at his reflection. He looked awful. He sighed as he turned off the bathroom light. This was the third night in a row he had woken up with nightmares about UB Symbiont and how it tried to take Lillie away thanks to Faba summoning it. However, this was the first time waking up from a nightmare with his stomach clenching so hard that he ended up vomiting. Shaking and clutching his head, which was throbbing with a headache, Gladion stumbled dizzily out of the bathroom back to the bed. Gladion moaned in pain as he sat on the bed. The bed creaked, waking Umbreon and Lycanroc. The two looked at Gladion, gasping at the sight of their trainer.

"I'm okay," he said as he pushed down the blanket before he started to strip to his underwear, wanting to get out of his sweaty pyjamas. "It was just a nightmare."

Lycanroc growled while Umbreon chittered with worry. Another nightmare.

Not again, she thought as she watched her trainer climb into the bed again. She knew why the nightmares had come back. It was because of that Ultra Beast that was now living with Ash. After Ash, Pikachu, his unusual Lycanroc and that Ultra Beast surprised them three days ago, Gladion had been having nightmares about Ultra Beasts taking Lillie away and hurting her.

Umbreon knew very well what those nightmares were about. She remembered everything about them. She remembered Gladion having his first nightmare after Silvally saved him and Lillie from UB Symbiont. She remembered the first time she was woken up by Gladion screaming and crying. She remembered listening to Gladion cry every night after waking up from the nightmares. She remembered how helpless she felt listening to her trainer and best friend sob because he was so scared to go to sleep that she had evolved one night. She remembered the first time she used her yellow markings to glow for Gladion. She remembered how every night she would curl up with Gladion and glow until Gladion would fall asleep again. And she remembered how they eventually went away. But tonight was the first night where the nightmare was so bad, it had made Gladion vomit.

Umbreon watched in concern as Gladion pulled a sheet up to his shoulder, wrapping himself tightly in it as he shivered because the sweat on his skin was cooling. Umbreon closed her eyes to make her markings glow before moving closer to curl up near Gladion's stomach while Lycanroc laid his head on Gladion's hip. Gladion smiled weakly before he started to drift off to sleep again, hoping for a dreamless sleep. As he did, Umbreon and Lycanroc still kept an eye on their trainer, hoping that he would be okay.


Early the next morning when Gladion opened his eyes, he felt cold, dehydrated and very weak. His skin was sweaty, his muscles ached, his throat was dry and scratchy and his head was throbbing. After getting up, Gladion walked to the bathroom, swaying until he was finally inside. He looked at the mirror, panting. He was pale and he had dark spots under his eyes. He quickly checked the drawers and cupboard for medicine but no luck.

I'll have to send Umbreon or Lycanroc to get me some medicine, he thought as he stumbled out of the bathroom, panting.

Shivering, Gladion tried to reach for his blanket to cover his naked skin but as he picked it up, he collapsed on the bed. The sudden movements caused Umbreon and Lycanroc to stir and open their eyes in time to see Gladion push himself up, moaning in slight pain. As they looked at him, they gasped at his appearance. After talking amongst themselves, Lycanroc immediately took off running, opening the door with his paws before disappearing.

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