Meeting Ohana from Around the World

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A request from @Alexis4daw. Also, I wrote this because I was supposed to get married at the end of this week, but I had to postpone it because of COVID-19. So I hope you like it. Be safe

Gladion sat in Professor Kukui's house, brushing Zoroark's fur. He was feeling nervous so doing an activity with his hands was a great distraction from his clenching stomach.

"Hey Gladion," Ash called as he walked through the front door. "I've just finished setting up the tents and sleeping bags. Burnet also called. She and Mum have almost finished all the shopping. I know Cilan and Brock want to learn to make a few Alolan dishes, and Mallow's pretty excited about it... Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," Gladion said as he finished brushing Zoroark's ponytail.

Ash gave Gladion a funny look as he sat down next to them.

"Zoroark?" he asked.

Immediately, Zoroark set off an illusion from earlier that day, showing Gladion talking to the Pokémon.

"All the friends Ash made during his travels will be here for Ash's birthday," he was saying. "What if they don't like me?"

As the illusion faded, Gladion glared at Ash.

"I hate it when you use Zoroark's illusions against me," he said.

"Sometimes, you don't give me a choice," Ash grinned, causing Gladion to smile. He couldn't help it. His boyfriend's smile was contagious. But slowly, Ash's face turned serious.

"Seriously though, I think you sometimes forget about the promise we made to each other," Ash admitted. "You wouldn't hide your negative emotions from me when your anxiety flares up, and I tone it back with the risky situations."

Gladion sighed, leaning his head against Ash's shoulder.

"I know, you're right. I'm sorry. But you're just as bad as I am."

"Yeah, well, we're both works in progress," Ash smiled. "So, why are you worried?"

"What if I say or do something foolish?" Gladion admitted. "I'm not a social Butterfree, and your friends have never met me. What if I think I'm not right for you?"

Ash tapped Gladion's knee so he would look at him. Ash pushed Gladion's hair out of the way before giving him a soft kiss.

"If they can see even a fraction of what I see in you, they'll love you," Ash said sincerely. "Just like I love you."

Gladion smiled at Ash's words as he leaned his forehead against Ash's.

"Thank you," he said softly.

Ash grinned and gave Gladion another kiss before standing up.

"I'm going to check the Pokémon food," he said. "I can't wait for everyone to meet you!"

Gladion nodded as he watched Ash walk into the kitchen to count the boxes of Pokémon food. After ensuring Ash couldn't hear him, he looked at his smirking Zoroark.

"Who did you get your cheekiness from?" he asked. "Father or Lillie?"

Zoroark rocked its head from side to side before giggling. Gladion rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Thank you for not showing the whole memory," he said, secretly feeling the small box in his pocket. Zoroark nodded before nuzzling Gladion's free hand.


Gladion sat and watched quietly as Ash happily spoke with his friends and family. As they turned up, Ash happily introduced Gladion as his boyfriend, which made him happy, but at the same time, he wished he could hide. Professor Oak was very kind as he spoke to Gladion before excusing himself to talk to Delia, Lusamine and Mohn. The girls (Misty, May, Dawn, Iris and Serena) had been very excited to meet Gladion, asking questions about the relationship until Ash shooed them away. All the Pokémon (who were now getting cuddles from Kiawe, Sophocles, Mallow, Lana and especially Lillie) he had met were lovely and quite fond of Gladion's quiet demeanour. The youngest ones (Bonnie, Max and Mimo) were also adorable and especially overjoyed at the sight of a rare Pokémon like Zoroark and Silvally. Gladion had lifted Max, Mimo and Bonnie onto Silvally's back, and now they were currently running around on the sand outside, laughing with joy.

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