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Ruth's breath steadied as she lowered her eye to be level with the scope. Below her she could hear the shoes of horses clopping on the bitumen road along with the lashing of the extended reins on wagons and stage coaches. Normally at night in Saint Denis there would be whistles of lawmen blowing every twenty minutes from sneaky outlaws and bandits taking advantage of the industrialised city and it's goods. Tonight however was different, it was quiet. The perfect night for a killing. 

Ruth found herself on the roof of a building, hidden away from the eyes of locals. Her Carcano Rifle in her hands as she peered through the sniper's scope towards the Mayor's House. Surprisingly, she wasn't looking for the Mayor of this fine city. She was looking for one of his workers which he had set her to the task of killing. He had informed her in a very formal letter that this man was threatening his position as Mayor and was willing to exploit his secrets. Ruth wanted to question him more but her job was to not question, it was to complete the task at hand. 

Ruth was good with a sniper, possibly one of the best. Whenever a job had the opportunity to use a sniper she snatched it up quickly. She hardly ever missed a shot with it. Danny, her best friend, was not as good. He was better for close range and combat kills. As for Danny, she had set him up with a task of his own to help her out. She just had to wait for it.

Scanning the windows, she noticed the silhouette of a man sitting in a chair at a desk. The Mayor. Ruth could easily take him out and give the fool exactly what he wanted but then she wouldn't get paid. Payment was always important. Shifting the rifle, Ruth slowly scanned the windows for a man's figure. Sure enough, she found a figure of a formal man walking towards the stairs.

"There we go," she muttered to herself, keeping the crosshairs on him as she followed him up the stairs. Ruth's noise twitched when a new smell washed over her. Smoke. She looked behind her to see across the city a cloud of dark smoke springing into the sky along with flames. Danny did it, he caused the distraction. The whistles of lawmen was music to her ears as they began to go towards the fire, giving her time to kill the target. Once he reached the  second floor, Ruth moved her crosshairs towards the next window and waited. Soon enough the man walked into the crosshairs and she pulled the trigger. The crack of her rifle announced the departure of the bullet, watching in the scope as the window shattered before bursting into the skull of her victim. Blood splattered on the wall before his body collapsed to the ground. Ruth heard screams below her after the shot had rung out. "Time to go," she instructed herself out loud. Ruth got up from off of her knee and slung the rifle over her shoulder before jogging towards the ladder that would take her down to land once more. Ruth's hands and feet moved swiftly down the ladder, not missing a rail on the rusted ladder that was nailed to the brick wall. Jumping down to the ground below with three rails left, Ruth quickly began to run through the alleyways to avoid any officers who would be coming. Once she got further away, Ruth slowed to a walk so no one would grow curious of her. She kept her head low as she passed a group of men. Her heart rate began to calm as she distanced herself from the murder scene, soon arriving at Doyle's Tavern. Eleanor approached her jet black warmblood, Devi, who was hitched outside. She strapped the rifle to her saddle before taking a sigh of relief, proud she got away with another dishonourable job. She petted the steed's neck before heading inside of the smaller saloon. She was greeted by the smell of burning cigarettes and alcohol, the interior dimly lit by greenish lights. 

"We did it!" Danny's voice rung out. Ruth looked in the direction to see the blonde man sitting at a table in the back room. The saloon was empty other than the barkeep who seemed like a shady man himself. Ruth grinned, walking towards him. She nodded at the barkeep before entering the back room, seeing Danny comfortable with his boots up on the table and a bottle in hand. A proud grin on his face he rose his drink up. "Another successful night."

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now