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Ruth sat down in her room that night, lantern lit beside her work. In front of her was a small note book and a list of names... well one. Which was Charles. Ruth was planning who to take with her is Dutch doesn't keep his word. She is done with waiting. Her name hovered over the paper hesitantly before she found herself writing Sadie's name.

The woman seemed to be here for one reason and one reason only; her hate for the O'Driscolls. Something she has in common with Dutch and everyone here. Sadie wanted Colm and all of those responsible to pay just like she did with Cornwall and his men. Sadie could help her if Ruth offers her help with the O'Driscolls in return.

Ruth was about to write Abigail's name, one who she knew she could trust with anything but she paused. Abigail has a child, if anything happens to her out there Jack would be left with no Mother and barely a Father. Abigail is strong and independent, she would most likely prove her and everyone wrong about worrying about her. Ruth knew however she couldn't risk it.


Ruth recalled John saying she knew the type of man Leviticus is and the harm that befalls folk. He saw what he did to Danny. He saw how he sent an army of his men after them in Valentine. John had every right to want him dead. John also knew how much all of this meant to her which is why he helped to bring David back. Maybe with convincing she could talk him into fighting on her side. Ruth picked up the pencil and wrote John's name down.

Javier? Could she trust him?

Javier saw how much Danny meant to her when she reacted the way she did when Hosea asked about him. Javier would surely know the damage that Cornwall had done. The damage he will do to her and the gang if he ever finds out she is with Dutch and his gang. It wouldn't be long before Cornwall goes looking and finds out. Javier however is loyal. Loyal to Dutch. If he lets it spill that he asked her without bringing it to Dutch first he will put it together that she is doing this behind his back. Ruth decided to write his name down, drawing a question mark beside it. She knew for sure which name was not going to be on the list and that was Micah.

Ruth jumped when she heard her door open, quickly slamming the note book shut and looking up at the door to see Arthur.

"Arthur... hi," She squeezed her lips together into a smile, forcing herself to act normal. However she knew Arthur could see right through it when he saw the note book and pencil in front of her. He knew she was up to something.

"What're you doing?" Arthur asked her curiously. Arthur closed the door behind him, walking over slowly as Ruth cleared her throat.

"Just... writing out a plan. Getting the ideas onto paper," Ruth recovered quickly however disappointment washed over her when she saw that he didn't appear to be convinced. His eyes were set on the notebook before he looked at her with a frown.

"At this time?" He asked. Ruth nodded hesitantly but replaced it with a convincing honest nod.

"It's when ideas spring to mind," Ruth answered him. Arthur looked at her, raising an eyebrow at her. Suddenly with a quick hand, Arthur snatched the book up. Ruth jumped out of her seat, staring at him as he opened it and saw the names.

"What's this?" He asked, looking over the book and at her. Ruth remained quiet, Arthur looking back down at it. Only then did his eyes dart back onto her, Ruth could see a thought in his head through his eyes. "Ruth, you're not doing what I think you are..."

"What would that be exactly?" Ruth asked him. Arthur shook his head slowly at her, closing the book and dropping it back down.

"You're doing this behind Dutch's back," He sighed. Ruth looked away, her lips pressing tightly together. "Ruth, don't. It's a bad idea-"

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now