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Ruth awoke to a breeze blowing through the broken windows in Arthur's room, causing the hairs on her arms to raise. Ruth groaned, pulling the sheet over her naked body. She opened her eyes, noticing the man who she had accompanied last night was no longer there. She frowned, sitting up as she rubbed her eyes, wiping away the heavy feeling of tiredness that threatened her to fall back asleep. Ruth scanned the room, seeing the clothes Arthur had worn last night still on the floor, likewise to her undergarments. Ruth immediately felt embarrassed, knowing she would have to try and avoid the eyes of his gang when she retreated back to her room. They all knew they were together but no one needed to know more than that. Ruth climbed out of the cot, pulling her undergarments back on. As she was pulling the strap over her arm and up to her shoulder she heard his door open. Ruth immediately spun around in fear it might have been one of the girls coming to clean his room for whatever reason but felt relief when it was Arthur. He had a bowl of stew in his hands, a spoon with it. 

"Good morning," he greeted with a smile. Ruth smiled at the man as he approached her before handing her the bowl. "I got you some breakfast," he announced, sounding proud of himself. Ruth smiled, feeling appreciated. She took it from his hands and he motioned for her to sit. Ruth did as he asked, sitting down on the cot only for him to sit beside her. 

"Thank you," She thanked him. When the smell of the leftovers from last night waffled up her nose only then did she realise she hadn't eaten the whole time she had been here. She was always offered food but she had declined, only Arthur was the only one who made an attempt to force her to eat. Her growling stomach didn't hesitate to remind her that she was starving. She took a spoonful and swallowed it, it wasn't the best but she was desperate to eat. Arthur watched her, unsure of what to talk about. Ruth knew he wanted to talk about last night but the man didn't know where to begin or how to form his thoughts into words. Ruth surprised herself just as much as Arthur to see she had finished her meal fast. Arthur chuckled lightly, taking the bowl from her hands and placing it to the side. "I enjoyed last night," Ruth announced to him. Arthur's cheeks flushed slightly but he nodded in agreement. "It was... you was amazing," Ruth corrected, complimenting him.

"It was all you," he laughed. Ruth scoffed, shaking her head at him.

"Please, you're probably very experienced. You must have women falling at your feet all the time," Ruth elbowed him causing the man to laugh once again. 

"A few try, I decline," Arthur corrected. Ruth was surprised with his response, she was surprised that a good looking outlaw didn't follow the bad boy lifestyle. Getting with any girl he could. "I save myself for the right women." Ruth smiled, accepting his compliment. "I'm sure you're the same. You had Micah falling for you."

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now