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Ruth dismounted Devi outside of Doyle's Tavern. The whole ride she tried to clear her head of Micah but the horrid man lingered like a bad smell. She shuddered at the thought of him before walking around Devi and towards the entrance of the older, less formal saloon. 

The last time she had been here was when her and Danny pulled off the murder of  man who needed killing by the Mayor. Ruth believes it was him who somehow squealed about what happened, despite promising to keep his word and paying her full. It had to be the only way Leviticus Cornwall found out about the killing she conducted. 

Pushing through the doors Ruth was met by the same smells she recalled last time; sweat, alcohol and cigarettes. Even mould and rats. Her nose slightly upturning in disgust, she entered the saloon where the bartender looked up at her, a lot more cheery than what he was when he woke her the next morning. 

"Well shit! If it ain't you again!" He called out to her, amazed to see her again. Ruth smiled, walking over to the bar. A man was already by the bar, looking at her before returning his attention back to the bottle in front of him. "How have you been?" He asked.

"Well enough to get on," Ruth answered him with a reassuring nod. She reached into the pocket of her red jacket, tossing a coin on the bar for him. "Whiskey thanks," she ordered. He nodded, retreating away as he got her drink together.

"You alone this time?" He asked, noticing Danny was no longer with her. Ruth felt her heart sink as he noticed before she nodded her head in response.

"Yeah... he died," Ruth explained briefly, not wanting to go into details. Ruth could barely announce that Danny was gone from the land of the living without breaking down. Telling him the whole story would have her crying and drowning her sorrows before she knew it. He turned around, a shocked expression on his face before it faded into an apologetic one.

"I... I'm sorry Ma'am," the bartender muttered, his voice saddened at the news. He handed her the shot glass of whiskey, placing the bottle alongside. "Next one is on the house," he offered her. His kindness warmed her heart.

"Thank you," she thanked him before tossing back the liquor down her throat. She winced at the familiar but strong taste, licking her lips clean before pouring herself the second one. 

"May I ask what you're doing back here?" He asked, his voice low so the other man wouldn't overhear. Ruth knew he did though, the bar was small and ears ranged far. Ruth paused, placing the bottle down as she looked at the man.

"I was hoping," Ruth explained as she reached into her pocket and pulling out a tightly folded piece of paper. She unfolded it and placed it on the counter between them. "you could hang this up for me in here," she watched as he looked down at the poster.

"Gun for hire, eh?" He muttered as he looked it over. His eyes settled back on her and gave her a confirming nod with a grin. "Sure I can!" 

"Gun for hire..." The man at the bar with them mumbled. Ruth frowned, turning her attention to the man who took a sip from the beer bottle before sighing. "You wouldn't be Ruth Kelly, no?" He asked, looking down at the bottle between his hands. 

"Who's asking?" Ruth questioned, choosing her words carefully. She looked the man over, he had dark brown hair sticking out from under his worn and dirtied hat, his face covered in dirt and charcoal from working with the trains. He finally looked at her, Ruth swallowing back her fright when she saw a drastic scar across his right eye. His cloudy eye looked at her along with his brown eye. 

"Me," he answered. He stepped over to her, sliding the bottle along the counter with him before stopping beside her. He stretched a hand out to her to shake. "Name's David Fields," he introduced himself. Ruth stared down at his hand, unsure if she should shake it. Hesitantly, the woman brought her hand up to his and shook it. 

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