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"Where's your friend?" Richard teased. Ruth glared at him, pressing the revolver closer to her enemy's skull. The man flinched in response, Richard noticing and falling quiet. Ruth knew he didn't actually care about anyone here. In fact if he ever handed in Dutch he would probably take all the money and run without splitting it fairly between them all. "What do you want?" He asked.

"I want to know why you're here," Ruth announced. "And I want to know if you knew I was camped down in Bolger Glade." Richard looked around at his men with a sly grin before shaking his head at her.

"What? No, I didn't know at all," he answered very sarcastically. Ruth felt more anger flare up inside of her, the man continuing to joke as usual. Around her all the men laughed, even the one she held on to. She gritted her teeth in anger before aiming her revolver down at the man's foot and pulled the trigger.

The laughter fell silent when the man started screaming in agony, Ruth holding him up as he tried to fall down. Richard's jaw tightened as he looked at the man's foot that had a hole in the boot where the bullet pierced through the leather. 

"I'm not playing around," Ruth warned Richard, tightening her grip around the man's neck as he tried to pry himself away. She pointed the gun back against his skull. "Next bullet is coming unless you tell me everything you know," Ruth hissed while cocking another bullet ready. 

"You know," Richard began, completely unphased now. He was going to reveal his true colours to the other men around him, that he doesn't care who dies. As long as it isn't himself. "You've grown some lady balls since we last met."

"You caught me at a bad time," Ruth spat in defence. He did, she had still been recovering from the blow to the head Micah gave her. How she would love to get her revenge on that snake of a man. That will be left for another day. "And as I remember it I killed some of your men," Ruth painfully reminded him. His sly grin dropped and his eyes narrowed viciously.

"Your eyes were almost popping out of your head while I choked you," Richard hissed, trying to anger her. He didn't win the fight and neither did she. Danny had. He ended the fight. "If only I had gone a little tighter, you would've been dead before your friend got there."

"Seemed like you were using all your strength," Ruth scoffed at him. "Calling yourself weak, are you?" She grinned. Richard snarled in anger at her. Ruth felt excitement begin to rush through her at this, she was going to kill him. Nothing or no one was going to stop that. "Now answer my damn question."

Silence overtook the bickering two, the two staring at each other. Everyone else were nothing more than back ground noise. His brown eyes pierced into hers, his hand twitching to grab his gun. Ruth watched him carefully, his mind was made up. He wasn't going to go down without a fight. Ruth nodded, the corners of her lips curling.

"Okay then," she muttered. Keeping her eyes on Richard until the last second, Ruth aimed her gun at one of the closest bounty hunters and pulled the trigger. She sent a bullet into a skull before quickly cocking another one into place and shooting another man in the head. The two bodies fell to the ground, only a couple of seconds separating their deaths. Richard roared out in fury, drawing his revolver. Ruth noticed this and pulled the man over her, Richard not even hesitating to send a bullet into the man's gut. He screamed in pain and betrayal at Richard's act.

"You damn bastard!" The man coughed and wheezed, blood beginning to pool out of his mouth. Ruth acted fast, shooting the man in the head. It was better than suffering a painful death. She pushed his body away from him and quickly ducked behind a wagon. 

Ruth rubbed the warm blood off of her face, but it only rubbed it into her skin. She then quickly fumbled into her vest breast pocket and pulled out a few bullets, opening the chamber of her revolver and filling the empty rounds. 

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