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As soon as the sun peaked, Ruth was out of the camp. With a huff of exhaustion, Ruth stabbed the shovel into the ground. She rested against the tool, wiping her brow of sweat. She pulled down the bandana from her mouth that blocked any dirt from getting in her mouth as she looked at the now covered grave where her friend laid to rest. 

"Wish it could've been a better place," Ruth sighed as she caught her breath. She felt her throat tighten in grief so the woman sat down beside the grave, picking up the wooden cross she had made and carved his name into. She sat it in her lap, staring down at the cross. Her pointer finger gently graved over the letters that she had carved in with her knife, a small smile developed on her face at the thought of her friend. It was only then her eyes would well up with tears at the reminder that he was no longer here. "I'm sorry Danny, all of this was my fault."

"He knows that ain't true," Arthur's voice sounded. Ruth jumped slightly, looking over her shoulder to see the man approaching. "The last thing he would want is you to be blaming yourself." Ruth looked back down at the cross in her lap, she watched Arthur's boots move around in front of her with her peripheral vision. 

"Maybe, but I can't help but blame myself," Ruth shrugged, not drawing her eyes away from the constant reminder that her best friend was gone. The one who was there for her more than anyone was. The one who would risk his own life for her. 

"I understand, I've been in those shoes before," Arthur informed. His eyes rested on the grave before he quickly looked away, his eyes settling on her. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything."

"It's fine, if you didn't I would probably be a mess now," Ruth tried to be humorous but her attempt failed when she couldn't even present her joke with a joyful tone. Ruth managed to look up at the man, providing a forced smile. "You know he talked about you before he passed? He called you a good man," Ruth informed but Arthur surprised her with a nod.

"Yeah, I overheard. Then I left the room because I can't agree with him on that," he sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. "If anything he was the good one out of the both of us." Ruth sniffled, blinking away tears that threatened to spill, looking back down at the wooden cross. "I just came to let you know you're welcome to stay for as long as you need. Dutch's words."

"Dutch said that?" Ruth sounded disbelieved. Arthur nodded, reassuring her it was the truth. Ruth chuckled and looked back up at Arthur. "Never thought punching a man would get him to show some kindness."

"You punched- you know what? I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Arthur sighed. He looked back at the grave and the cross in her lap, looking between the two before stepping towards her. "Let me," he offered. Ruth didn't hesitate to let him help, she was exhausted and weak from crying. Arthur took the cross from her lap and walked around to the top of the grave before stabbing the wood into the ground. Luckily the ground was soft, being in the swamp and all. Ruth watched in admiration as he made sure the cross was stable before walking back over to her, offering her a hand. Ruth took his black gloved hand and the outlaw pulled her to her feet. 

"Thank you. Doing that means a lot to me," Ruth motioned to the now standing cross. She smiled at him, her lips curling upwards as she forced herself to smile. Arthur nodded at her, still hanging onto her hand. 

"It's nothing. He was a good man, he loved you. I could see you two were close," Arthur nodded at her, his eyes drifting back to the grave. Ruth sighed heavily, looking down at her feet. "But don't let this kill the Ruth he knew."

"What do you mean?" Ruth asked, confused. Arthur sighed, scratching his stubble. Ruth's eyes were set on him and refused as she waited for a response.

"Grief can do terrible things to folk, I've seen it turn good people into unrecognisable monsters. You might have seen her, but the blonde woman in camp? Her name is Karen, her and Sean had something going on and since he passed she's been relying on the bottle more and more for comfort and she's changing from the life of the party to a world hating, heartless woman. I just don't want that to happen to you," Arthur explained. Ruth swallowed back a sob, trying to draw her mind away from the thought of her taking away someone's lover. She blinked a few times, finally looking up at Arthur again.

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon