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Ruth and Arthur sat above one of the old war trenches, their legs dangling over the edge. He kept his revolver by him on the dirt beside him, ready to pick up. She knew that if he was here to kill her, he would get up and shoot her in the back of the head and her body would fall into the trench where many soldiers die. Only she would be dying a coward. 

"Are you going to kill me?" Ruth finally managed to speak after what felt like hours sitting together without saying anything. 

"I hope not," Arthur responded in a somewhat calm voice. She knew he was also battling a storm of thoughts. She had no idea what he was going through and neither did he with her. Perhaps talking would fix all of this, but was it too late?

"You should," Ruth scoffed before looking down at her hands that rested in her lap. "It'll give you comfort for what I did, and you won't have to worry about Dutch or anyone else," she muttered before sniffling again. Arthur remained quiet, unsure of what to say. He looked down into the trench below them, kicking his feet slightly.

"You want to tell me what happened to your friend?" He asked quietly. She was surprised he cared. She didn't expect him to care, not after how she pulled the trigger on his friend. Maybe he was going to do the same, pull the trigger on Danny so she knew how it felt. He was an outlaw, a bad man. Though she was just as bad as him with the other half of her job. They both kill people to survive, only she does it in a somewhat more respectful manner than he does. He kills innocent people, she kills people who most of the time deserve it. Still it didn't make neither of them better than the other. 

"Cornwall," Ruth answered briefly. Arthur shook his head.

"But you're working for him," Arthur sounded confused. He was just as confused as she was. Ruth nodded, not taking her eyes off of her hands.

"Not good enough. That was a warning," Ruth explained. Arthur remained quiet, the silence filling the empty space between them. "You lot are too much for me. I was a fool for taking his offer."

"You were," Arthur agreed. Ruth didn't take it to heart because she knew it was the truth. "But you have your reasons. You want to tell me what you meant a while back?" Arthur asked. Ruth knew what he was talking about. 

"I have no choice."


"It doesn't matter."

"I'm not a good person, Arthur Morgan. Hell, I'm no better than you," Ruth spoke out honestly. She managed to look at him. "No offense of course." Arthur scoffed, still not letting himself look at the woman beside him.

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