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The next day Ruth spent it in the camp, keeping to herself. She often found herself being stared at by the other gang members. She knew they were still unsure of her. Ruth was caught off guard when a shadow of a human figure casted over her from where she sat on the side steps. Ruth looked up, surprised to see Charles. 

"Hey," Ruth greeted him, slightly closing the book she was reading. It had been a long time since she picked up a book to read. Mary-beth had been kind enough to let her borrow one, she said that she had already read it a million times. 

"Hey," he muttered, his voice fairly quiet. She had observed him around the camp, Charles seemed like the quiet type. He only talked when necessary and when he did he didn't have a lot to say. Ruth however was grateful for him, if he hadn't stopped Micah when they caught her she could be dead right now. "I just wanted to say you did really well when those O'Driscolls attacked." Ruth smiled at him, nodding in appreciation.

"That's very kind of you, Charles," Ruth smiled at the man. "I knew you weren't sure what I was going to do at first, I don't blame you. I don't blame anyone for how they treat me," Ruth sighed. Charles moved over to her quietly, taking a seat beside her. Ruth frowned in confusion, surprised by his sudden company. 

"I know how you feel," he sighed. Ruth fell quiet, seeing the man hesitate to speak. "I get treated differently because of my skin colour, mainly by Micah. I don't think our actions for survival or the colour of our skin should define us as people."

"Of course," Ruth nodded in agreement. Charles turned to her, looking at the woman. 

"I've heard about your plan, about Leviticus. I want to let you know that if you need a gun, you've got mine," he nodded confidently, ensuring her that she had his word. Ruth smiled at him, he was one of the only people in the camp to go out of his way to offer his help.

"Thank you, I'll need all the guns I can get. It's going to be dangerous," Ruth raised an eyebrow.

"Life's always dangerous," Charles muttered. Ruth looked at him and nodded. The man got up from where he sat beside her. "I'm sorry about your friend," Charles offered his condolences. Ruth smiled at him.

"It's okay, he's in a better place... I hope," Ruth sighed. Charles patted her shoulder comfortingly before walking away. Ruth rested her chin in her hands, releasing a sigh. Ruth then picked up her book and turned around for the door, entering inside the plantation house. 

Arthur, Dutch and Lenny had left earlier to rob the post office that Angelo Bronte informed them of at the Mayor's Party. Arthur didn't go into too much detail about it with her but it sounded promising. Arthur was still trying to find a way to trust the man after he took Jack under his wing from Catherine Braithwaite. Ruth walked past Hosea's room, pausing in the shorter hallway when she saw Abigail and Sadie walk past, Abigail's eyes catching Ruth.

"Oh, Ruth! How are you?" Abigail stopped in her tracks, smiling at Ruth. Sadie looked at her before looking down at her bandaged hand from their fight. Ruth looked away from Sadie quickly when their eyes met, forcing a smile as she looked at Abigail.

"I'm okay," Ruth sounded reassuring. Sadie remained quiet, she clearly didn't want to be here. 

"I don't mean to pry but John told me about the other night... I use to work as a working girl before I fell into this," Abigail explained to her, Sadie looking at the raven haired woman in surprise. "It's common unfortunately for women to get abused in that line of work. However it wasn't anything I couldn't handle," Abigail nodded at her. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... don't let what happened eat you up."

"I'm okay, really," Ruth informed Abigail. "Nothing happened, that could've been different if John wasn't there though."

"Yeah... he's a good man," Abigail smiled. "I just wish he could see that good in himself and use it to better himself," she sighed before looking at Sadie. "We'll talk later, I got to keep an eye on Jack-"

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant