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"You alright?" Arthur asked as he approached Ruth who caught her breath in one of the wooden chairs. Ruth looked at him and gave him a convincing enough nod. Arthur sighed, sitting down in the chair beside her. She looked at him, seeing the wave of sadness on his face. Ruth turned to him, placing a hand on the man's knee.

"I'm sorry, Arthur," Ruth gave him her condolences. Arthur nodded at her in appreciation before tipping his head down to look at the stone floor beneath them. Ruth sat quietly with him, providing him time with his thoughts as he thought everything over. 

"He was an O'Driscoll, found him up in the mountains," Arthur began after a moment of silence. "He saved my life once. I couldn't do the same for him," he sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

"This isn't on you," Ruth stopped him from blaming himself further. "Sometimes shit happens, the inevitable. It's apart of life, both you and I know that better than most," Ruth explained to him. Arthur nodded at her before sighing again.

"I know, I just wish there was something I could've done," he sat up, looking at Ruth for a moment before speaking again. "You did really well, fighting with us rather than against for a change," he joked. Ruth chuckled.

"If Micah got in my way maybe things would've been different," Ruth joked causing Arthur to grin. He held his hands up in defeat.

"Personally I would turn a blind eye to it," Arthur smirked. Ruth laughed before smiling at the man sitting beside her. "I couldn't just sit aside and not help."

"Of course," Arthur nodded at her. The two were interrupted when Karen stormed outside, looking around before her eyes settled on Arthur and Ruth. Immediately a smug but heartbroken look fell upon the woman's face before strolling towards Ruth.

"I want to let you know that we ain't friends," Karen announced suddenly. Ruth looked confused before looking at Arthur for a moment before turning her attention back to Karen. Arthur groaned in annoyance as Karen began to make a scene. "You and I might have fought together but that doesn't redeem yourself from what you did to Sean!" Her voice was raised now, shouting at her. Ruth immediately felt embarrassment wash over her as she felt the eyes of many on her. She stood up, taking a step closer to her.

"Maybe we should talk about this somewhere privately?" Ruth suggested softly to the woman, trying to stop her from embarrassing the both of them. Karen's eyes were full of fury, especially now that the woman stood up. Ruth could tell the woman was grieving. 

"You don't get to tell me shit! You are nothing but a cold hearted bitch, if you even got a heart!" Karen insulted her. Ruth look down at the ground, nodding slightly. She did her best to hold her tongue, stopping herself from saying anything to defend herself because she knew it would only rile the woman up more. "If it weren't for Arthur I would've gutted you already," she hissed, inching her face closer to Ruth's. Ruth felt the breath leave her body as she looked at Karen, her ivy green eyes sending daggers of hate into Ruth. 

"Karen, leave it," Arthur grunted from where he sat. The woman immediately looked at him, shaking her head in disgust. 

"And you! Don't get me started on you," she snapped at the man, immediately walking around from Ruth to stand in front of Arthur. He sighed loudly, leaning back in his seat as he looked at the woman. Immediately the stench of liquor washed over her. Karen was already drunk. "Out of all the women in the world you choose her, the bitch who killed Sean!" She shouted at him. "Sean considered you a brother he did. You know that," She scoffed. 

"Go get some sleep, your drunk," Arthur hissed at her, angry that the woman would bring Sean into this. "Lay off the bottle and get your head straight."

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant