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"Arthur!" Dutch's voice rang out as Arthur walked across the bridge into their new hideout. It wasn't ideal but it was the first time in a long time that some of them had a roof over their heads. Arthur glanced at Dutch before quickly giving young Lenny a quick wave as the two met eye contact. Lenny nodded his head at him before returning to cleaning his gun, Arthur meeting Dutch by the fountain. 

"Dutch," Arthur greeted as he reached his father figure and life mentor. "How's Sadie?" Arthur asked, catching her walk by in the corner of his eye. Dutch nodded.

"She's okay, pissed, but okay," Dutch answered. Arthur chuckled, sounded like how the woman was most of the time. "Did you find her?" Dutch asked. Arthur nodded at the man. Dutch had sent Arthur out to look for Ruth, Dutch expected she wouldn't have gotten too far before stopping for the night. "And?" Dutch questioned, eager to hear more.

"She's in a bad situation, Dutch," Arthur sighed. "Remember how she was hiding something?" Dutch nodded at him, frowning in concern. "Well, I know what it is. She told me everything."

"Which is?" Dutch asked, shuffling closer in anticipation. Arthur hated telling Dutch but he knew it was for the best, if Dutch knew what was going on with her they might be able to work something out. 

"She's not just a gun for hire but also a hired killer. Leviticus caught wind and well, he's blackmailing her so that she will do his dirty work. If he gets bored of waiting she will be in a lot of trouble," Arthur explained. "Leviticus and his men attacked her friend last night and he's in a bad way. She only accepted the offer for the money, she wants to keep them both safe."

"But she killed Sean," Dutch reminded. The words pained Arthur, it was the cold hard truth that he wished was a lie. Arthur nodded, he was right after all. 

"She didn't have the choice. She was told to shoot first and was surrounded by Gray's and hired guns. If she didn't she would've been killed. She's just like us Dutch, trying to survive," Arthur explained. He frowned at Dutch. "I couldn't kill her Dutch. Her friend, he needs her."

"Is that all it is?" Dutch scoffed at Arthur causing Arthur to recoil in shock at Dutch's sudden words. Arthur looked at Dutch like he was crazy, causing him to laugh and slap Arthur on the shoulder. "With how you talk about her son, it's been very obvious."

"Shut up," Arthur grunted, swatting his hand off of his shoulder. "So, what are we going to do?" Arthur changed the topic quick, not wanting to focus on his love life to Dutch's dismay.

"Her friend, what's his name?" Dutch asked curiously. Arthur frowned at him before shrugging in response.

"Ain't sure, she didn't say. Why?" Arthur asked. Dutch nodded slowly before waving Arthur to follow him. Arthur watched in confusion as Dutch began to walk off, Arthur quickly following behind him. Arthur and Dutch walked through the camp, stopping at Leopold's medicine wagon. Dutch studied the supplies before picking up a few bottles of medicine along with a roll of bandages. 

"Give this to her," Dutch held out the medical supplies to Arthur. Arthur stood before Dutch, confused but took them in his own hands before stuffing them into his brown leather satchel. 

"What's with the sudden urge to show kindness?" Arthur chuckled awkwardly. Dutch crossed his arms across his chest as he leant his shoulder against the wagon. "She can't stop if that's what you think this is going to do."

"Son, I know you're sweet on her," Dutch reminded Arthur. "I've known for a while, getting up Micah whenever he talks badly about her. Warning everyone to steer clear of her. You ain't just worried about our lives but hers as well," Dutch announced. Arthur opened his mouth to speak but Dutch was quick to jump the gun. "Ain't up for debate. You help her and her friend however you can."

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu