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"And... done!" The raven haired woman cheered after pinning Ruth's hair back. She stood back, clapping her hands excitedly. As for the other two women, they watched from the bed. Ruth looked herself up and down in the mirror, examining the blood red and black outfit. Ruth had never worn a corset in her life and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She had strands of hair out, framing her face while the rest of it was piled on her head, pinned with a silver hair clip. She looked different, she looked like one of them. Her skirt red with black frills, making her appear desirable to the eyes of men. "Oh, wait!" She quickly gasped. Ruth watched the woman quickly dart across the room towards the bed, getting on her knees and reaching under the bed. Ruth frowned, making her way over to the woman who pulled out a box. She lifted the lid, pulling out  dagger amongst the other daggers. "We all carry one, for protection," she explained to her. 

Ruth took the dagger from her and lifted her skirt, tucking it into the garter before dropping the skirt, hiding the weapon from sight. 

"Thank you for this," Ruth thanked the woman, grateful for her help. She knew the other two didn't care, they were happy to just have money in their hands. Probably more than what they can make in one night. 

"Just promise this won't affect us girls," The woman begged her. "We already have a hard enough life." She explained to her. Ruth frowned before taking her hands in hers, looking at the woman in her eyes.

"Listen to me. Once it's done I'll leave. Once the body is found you tell the truth, leave my name out though. Say that you all were held at gunpoint," Ruth explained, looking at the other two women. "Don't say a word about the money. They can't put the blame on any one of you if held at gunpoint," Ruth informed them. The three women nodded at each other. Ruth let go of the woman's hands. "Okay, let's do this," she muttered. 

"Lisa," The raven haired woman called out. The blonde woman looked at her. "You go around to the other working girls, tell them to stay away from that man," she ordered. Lisa nodded at her, leaving the room without another word. "Adrienne, keep your head down. Anyone suspects anything distract them," she ordered the woman with the brown hair. She nodded, looking at Ruth and giving her a small smile before hurrying out of the room. Now it was just the two of them. 

"Your clothes will be in the bathroom, hidden in a basket. Along with you gunbelt," the woman informed her. Ruth smiled at her. The woman hurried over to Ruth's clothes, gathering them up in her arms.

"Wait, what's your name?" Ruth asked her curiously. The woman paused, looking at her.

"Meredith, my Daddy was Welsh," She explained. Ruth nodded at her, not expecting such a name for the woman. Ruth didn't say another word and left the room, leaving Meredith to her part. Ruth took a deep breath before walking down the stairs, entering the life of the Bastille Saloon. She felt eyes of many on her already knowing that her presence had caught the attention of many. Ruth's eyes settled on Eugene, the target was staring at the cards in his hands. Ruth made her way over to the table, standing by his side. She placed a hand on his shoulder softly, the man looking up at her. Except he was giving her a scowling look.

"Are you trying to look at my cards?" He spat in horror. Ruth snatched her hand back in fright before placing it on her chest dramatically.

"Me? No Sir, I'm just a woman," she played off his accusation. The man looked at her, chuckling lightly before turning back to the table. Ruth watched on, waiting for the opportunity to open for her to strike. At the end of the round a man threw his cards in defeat, Eugene letting out a victorious cheer, pumping a fist in the air excitedly. 

"Well, well, well Gentlemen!" He cheered out, his eyes wild with the thrill of winning. The other men all frowned or groaned in defeat. Ruth quickly stepped back over to his side. 

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