Chapter 1

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Tsuna is here.

Their beloved Sky has returned home. Against the odds he's now home where he belongs. Slightly different by appearance and obviously much younger, but there's no room for doubt. Except the fact that-

"I'm not Sawada Tsunayoshi." He said, "or to be exact, I'm no longer Tsunayoshi." a light chuckle escaped his lips but neither of them actually felt uneasy from his words.

"Explain Lazy-Tsuna"

the albino's lips twitched upwards, "Gosh, I missed that so much..." He mutters aloud, getting all twitchy himself, "Well, I died 10 years ago today. That's not a mistake whatsoever"

He then elaborate before a bullet can pierce his skull. It wouldn't be funny if he died again when he just got back afterall, "I died, but I was given another chance. Because my death is not fair. I was supposed to live some more years, the future arc is the way to go. My death is a disturbance to Tri-Ni-Sette's balance. Therefore I couldn't exactly perish."

"I see..." The Vongola Don hummed, "Then, I take that you live under different identity now?" he asked softly, to which the albino nods rather awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you all, The name is Schnier, I am the sole bearer of the almighty white flames and the protector of the white crystal pendant." He smiled as he let his pendant glows a bit.

It felt familiar, yet at the same time, not. They were mesmerized at the silver his that surrounds him.

Though it wasn't for long before Schnier could feel his legs slowly giving up.


The weariness of being a mortal just hit him, and had it not for Tsuki's fast reflex to jump forward and stopped the tired albino from hitting the ground, his head might have collided to a stone.

"Uhh... Thanks, Tsuki." the boy said sheepishly, feeling guilt starting to crept in as he saw the horror on his family. No doubt he has scarred them for life.

Schnier sighed, though at the same time he couldn't stop a fond smile from forming on his face, "Sorry, I'm just tired from the trip." He raised a defeated hand knowing the look they have, "No, I'm not lying this time. Promise. I will be just fine after a while of good rest" He told them truthfully.

"Tch. Don't just give us heart attack right after you got back, idiot." Henko said, rubbing his temple in distress to which the boy chuckled in return.

"Hai grandpa~" he teased as the blond got hit with a sense of nostalgia, the older couldn't help but tearfully smiled, letting this one slide.

"Can anyone carry me home, please?" Schnier asked bashfully, fully understanding that he couldn't walk another mile without collapsing. The head of CEDEF volunteered himself to it.

"Thanks Tsuki" the blond was, however, not expecting the boy to instantly asleep a minute he was picked up.

'He must be really tired' they all thought at the same time.

Alas, none of them got a wink of sleep until the albino re-opened his eyes the next day...


Sleep, Eat, and Drink has never been something that white rabbits' need to do. They are immortal. Unlisted from the Life and Death's list. Some of them are created and only so little of them, like in Tsuna's case, who were there to redeemed themselves. Usually, Schnier alike would become apparition and sent to one of the universe for a purpose, but instead he was chosen to be a white rabbit. He has proven himself to be up for the task though. At least he saved some years of waiting because of that.

Well, anyway...

Yawning softly as he slowly sit up, rubbing his eyes gently, the albino kid was late to realize that none of his family has left his side. It was rather surprising how none of them started another chaos already. Schnier blinked.

"Ohayou?" it came out as a question, which soon greeted with colective sighs, confusing the albino more.

"Oh my god. This is not a dream" Sora had pinced herself for the nth time already, her cheek literally bruised a bit from the act.

"Wait, You thought it was dream?" Schnier bemusedly raised a brow with a light chuckle that reminded them of a bell jingle on a christmas morning. It brought joy.

"Yes." It was Reborn who answered him. "And heaven forbid if it has to be one of those damned dreams" it was almost a growl.

Schnier could only stare. Had it not be the former sun arcobaleno who confessed so, he would likely to brush it off with a smile or something. But the man is serious. Therefore he couldn't help for his blood to rush up, turning his face a scarlet mess.

"W-Well, uhh... I-I didn't know... n-never expected that you guys would... Oh gosh, I'm sorry?" He stammered, couldn't really say much.

"Tsu-chan, you're smiling" Byakuran pointed out and Schnier really couldn't brought himself not to.

"S-Sorry... I just... you know, I thought that... I never knew... Shit, this is embarrassing" He covers his face, chuckling. "I-I'm happy. I really thought that you guys would just, you know- move on"

"Tsu- Schnier" Kyoya called. "We would never" he said firmly. And the others soon voiced out their own agreement.

"That's right!"

"We missed you so much!"

"You're not forgotten"

"We could never do that to you"

A hand reached for his dampened cheek as a voice said, "We love you. As Tsunayoshi or Schnier. You are and have always been part of us. You are our precious family member. Our beloved sky. Even as we tried to live on, you've never left of our thoughts. Not even once. Not in the past, present, and never will until we draw our last breath" Riku said soothingly. One of the voice that he has missed the most.

And Schnier clenched his teeth over that. His grin tightens as tears slowly flowing of his eyes but he was brimmed with joy. "...That's... honestly relieving" He murmured almost inaudibly.

The boy chuckled as he let his hands down, letting them see his raw expression as he exclaimed, "I'm happy, minna. Thank you!" And of course, they returned the smile of their own, group hug was inevitable afterwards. It was suffocating and too crowded. But the small sky doesn't mind what so ever. The weight on his shoulder has been lifted, and he could finally feel warmth coursing back to his body.

Every pain he must endured all that time suddenly feels worth it.

He smiled, "it's glad to be back"

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