Chapter 11

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That Top-Hat teen, with his own wings tucked in after his landing, stared at the big mansion in front of him.

Humming, he tried to sense his Junior's flame, tracking on where he's currently hiding. But the younger has always been a prodigy about his flame control. He sensed nothing. And the fact that the little albino has been hiding for nearly four days now— well, he can't wait that long.

So, taking a deep breath he then called out.

"OOOOOIIIIIIII SCHNIIIIIIEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!" Voice inhumanely loud that the whole ground shook.

Alerted, The guardians and everyone in that matter, went out or take a peek from the window, right on time to see their little brother finally revealing himself and currently tackling the Ash-haired albino.

"Shut the fuck up, Kyou-san! Do you want to kill us all?!??" The younger scolded furiously. Yet the teen just chuckled.

"Well, it's the only thing I could do to make you out from your hiding~"

"Your Voice can destroy a whole universe" 

"—And so does your flames. Besides, I only use like 10% of it. But anyway. I'm here for a job"

That actually get the white-flame-user's attention. "What? I thought every world only get one trial? This world has endured two"

"Special case. You lived here." The teen shrugs while Schnier can only sighed in resign before then helping his comrade get up from the ground.


The boy ignored that and instead asking back with a defeated tone, "Well, are you going to tell me about it?"

"Of course~! You, and the rest of them~" He pointed at the people that's starting to crowd behind him, approaching the two.

"Everyone? Or is there any exception?" 

The older white rabbit shrugs, "You're their leader."

Not liking the way it sounded, he decided to call everyone, Sans the children a.k.a the next generation. He even made a portal and literally kidnapped those who's on a mission. They can take care of that later. If a white rabbit is present, that means there would be a disturbance in the world Balance. And trivia matter like Mafia War couldn't even.

"Alright, all of us is here. Everyone, meet Kyou-san. A fellow white rabbit, and a Senior of mine. Kyou-san, everyone. You already know their names." Schnier introduced shortly.

"Hello~ And yes I already know your names, especially Saphira. Yo! We meet again!" The teen greeted lightly as if he wasn't the one behind the contract that ended up creating the Vindice.

"...Hi" Saphira greeted back, totally uncomfortable, despite how Kawahira, her husband, holding onto her hands for comfort.

"Well, let's not beat around the bush now~" Kyou turned to his Junior. Afterall, before they can go on, he need to establish something, "So, Schnier. Are you going to fight with them? Or are you going to be my partner?"

"What?" The boy's brows furrowed at the implication.

"Well, if you're working with me, then you'll be immortal, I could tell you the ending and all that jazz. If you're deciding to fight with these guys then you could die again as a mortal and your knowledge is as limited as them"

Schnier understands the implication, so he guessed that the explanation was meant for the others to hear.

At least, it's not something hard to answer, "I'm siding my family, duh. Is that even a question?"

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