Chapter 22

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Waking up the next day, Schnier couldn't stop himself from blushing furiously. He was not alone. Ever since last night he had noticed the warmth but still, staring back at another sets of eyes was not something he expected to be.

"T-The fuck???" The albino tried to squirm away startled on the situation, yet the man just hold him still with a chuckle.

"Ohayou, Schnier~ You were mumbling and even drooling in your sleep, very adorable~ I take that you have a nice dream?" If possible, the shades on the boy gets even darker, but at least now he took notice that the one's holding him is not a stranger.

"W-What the heck are you doing on my bed, Henko???" Usually those he stayed on guard duty would sleep on the mattress afterall. 

The blond hummed with a whine, "Not in the mood to sleep on the floor." he replied, "And I want cuddles, it's not that bad, is it?" 

How dare he looking so innocent, tilting his head like that.

Schnier groaned. "I mean, I guess...?" 

"You're lucky that your flames are familiar, or else you would have been blasted into non-existent" at that Henko scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"I thought that you would appreciate some cuddles, last night was cold anyway. And it kinda remind me of the old time" The man chuckled.

The white flame user sighed, "Yeah yeah, that still doesn't justify you creepily staring at me till I'm awake"

"a ha ha ha" Blushing himself, he chuckled awkwardly, "I can't just leave anyway. Since you're well rested, I'm sure even the slightest movement would wake you up, and I rather not alert you so early in the morning" 

"Good reason. I'll let this slide" Schnier said before snuggling back, willingly this time, amusing the older male.

"I thought you disliked it?"

"What I don't like is being ambushed. I don't mind some skin ship" he shrugs. "And I feel lazy" Henko chuckled.

"It's still 6 AM, want to sleep a bit more, or?"

Schnier hummed, "Actually, some of my memory returned last night"

Blinking, the blonds brows raised up, "About?" His hold slightly tightens in anticipation, the younger actually chuckled at his overprotectiveness.

"Just some memory about cooking and random~ recipes. There's no need to get all worked up, grandpa"

"heh" the older snickers, "How can I not when it comes to you?"

The boy laughed, "Honestly, yeah" Henko also chuckled.

"Anyway, what will you do with it? Learn to cook?"

"Well, I'll be needing help, but I guess it'll be nice to pick up some good habit" the boy grinned.

"Sure~ like, right now or would you like to take a quick shower first?"

Schnier hummed, "a bath sounds nice actually."

"Would you like some rubber duckies with that?" Snickering, Henko teased. 

"oh shush" the boy blushed, pinching the older's nose, making him laugh. "You don't deny it tho?"

"no. Just no." the albino huffed when the laughter only gets louder.

"Hai hai, I shall prepare your bath then, your majesty~"

Schnier hummed in approval despite the tease. "Imma take a short nap if you don't mind then" a cute yawn escaped his lips, "Wake me up later, ne?" Yet before Henko even give his reply, the younger has fell into the slumber, making him sweatdropped. 

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