Chapter 6

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"Okay, what the actual fuck" That little albino grunted as he find himself face planting on the floor. He knows that he's physically weaker than his old body. But he couldn't even finish the pushups?

"Oho? What do we have here~" 

well shit.

The Spartan is here. 

Struggling to get back on his feet, yet his body shook in exhaustion before collapsing again. 

"Overestimating yourself, huh~?" The hitman scoffed, to which the boy rolled his eyes despite his ragged breath.

"No one said I can't be confident. But I guess you're right" He huffed. "and I hate it that you are"

The fedora man actually chuckled at that as he helped his sky to get seated up at least.

"Should have assess your limit first, idiota. Being mortal is hard afterall~" Reborn teased but didn't move much as the tired boy ends up leaning to him.

"I... yeah. Kinda expecting myself to bounce back with your help, though. Yet here I am, breathless before we can even start. Well fuck. Aren't I damned?" he chuckled softly.

"Different situation requires different solution, shouldn't you know that better? or are you reverting to be a dame as well" A smirk is present on the raven's face. Schnier shudders.

"Actually" he sheepishly replied. "I have no recollection of my other memories on what I can do past the fact that I was a hacker and a hitman. There's so much that Natsu's sacrifice could do. So uh... no comeback to that"

A flick is on his head. 

"We can always fix that" 

The albino pouts as he rubs the sore spot. "You're acting soft. it scares me." he taunted back.

"Heh" The gleam is back to the onyx pairs. "Fancy some hot bullets now~?"

The white-flame user just chuckled, "That's more like it~"


Yeah, okay. So he regretted on taunting Reborn like that. No biggie.

Groaning on the floor, he really can't move now.

"Giving up already, idiota?" The said hitman smirked, Leon already changed back to its original form and now is licking the natural pale face of Schnier.

"...If I say 'no' I might actually die..." his words is barely above whisper but the trained ears of the former Arcobaleno caught it no problem.

"Like I said, know your limit" he hummed, satisfied that he has drilled the idea to the younger.

Schnier tried to move, but his small frame only shook at the attempt, he couldn't even lift a finger. Despite the frown, Reborn actually felt exasperated. Almost clicking his tongue, he lifted the boy up.

Confusion clouded the azure orbs. 

Azure, because he can't really use his sky flame at the moment. Too tired to try, and his eyes aren't naturally amber.

"Rest. Honestly, after all of this time you still know no restraint."

The boy chuckled softly, "Thanks~" Taking that as a complement instead, he decided to relax his muscle, at least Reborn won't be so cruel to drop him on the cold hard floor.

Well, the man still throw him to the bed though. At least it has a soft surface.

"Rest, idiota. Your work will be in less than 2 hours. I'll wake you up before then."

The albino pouted again but fixed his posture as best as he could, "...not staying?" He asked. Quite frankly he doesn't want to be left alone. And Natsu already back inside the box. Yet to his dismay, the hitman ignored him and left.

Letting out a sigh he should have known.

Closing his eyes, he take another nap. 

Honestly, 'being a mortal is such a hindrance'  He's already much out of it to notice how some of the family members actually stay by his side in place of the sun himself.


"Idiota, wake up" Fulfilling his promise, Reborn's voice come to his hearing as the white rabbit slowly opened his eyes.

The man wasn't alone, "Fon? Yuni?" he blinked.

The two chuckled softly, "Yes, Schnier-san?" That braided man replied.

Well that explain the lack of nightmare.

He get those again when he was asleep on his own afterall. Schnier won't tell them that though, the story about his phone call wasn't a complete lie anyway.

The albino smiled. "Thanks for staying" 

"No probs, Schnier-nii!" Yuni chirps.

"Anyway" Reborn speak up again. "Can you move?"

 Cocking an eyebrow, he snickers, "You asked?"

"You deaf?" The Hitman retorted making the boy to chuckle. Guess he does care despite all.

"To your answer..." He sits up. "Don't worry I won't be pulling any crazy stunts. Probably hanging from the chandelier tho"

"Chandelier, Schnier-san?" Fon sweatdrops while the white-flame user only grinned.

"Gotta stay eccentric, ya'know~? It helps on lifting the mood which equals easier mission." 

Reborn actually bemused at that. "Well, do you need me to call that marshmallow addict with your wings?"

"Nah" Schnier replied shortly. "I can handle it"

But remembering how it was when he tucked it in earlier, the bluenette couldn't help but take a hold onto her brother's incarnation. The boy tilted his head confusedly. The girl didn't say a word but the albino understands the look already and now smiling himself.

He gripped her hands in a clutch as he spread his wings, the crackling sounds returned and it did made the martial artist and gigglio nero boss to flinch.

A sigh escaped Schnier's lips once he's done.

"Sorry for that"

The Chinese man raised his hands in return. "Is it painful as it sounded, or?" He asked instead. The boy gave him a lopsided smile.

"Maa~ it's not that bad, really" he assured them before then glancing at the watch on his tiny arm. "well, I must go now." He slowly get out of the bed then opened the window.

"Come back soon or else"

Schnier rolled his eyes at the hidden worry. "Chillax, kaa-chan. I'm not going to die that easily. Not this time~" he grinned in reply as he get onto the railing.

"Alright then, I'm leaving, See you later~" Yet as he jumped, he was late to notice that his wings aren't moving as it should.


—at the exclaim, the three noticed that something is wrong and launched forward to see their sky falling from 5th floor they were in.


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