Chapter 12

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"Another Reborn???" Tsuki shrieked, his 14 years old self resurfacing, already imagining the chaos that'll ensued.

"Chaos~" The fedora man's smirk only sharpen, eyes gleaming with mischief. Although, it's nothing compared to the man with dark green hair.

"He's kind of familiar..." Riki muttered while Riku already fully observing the man. The guy is pretty similar of their brother, but there's a distinct difference in their aura.

"Well, well~ How about we start with an introduction, ne~?" The long haired man said, Copying the trademark gesture of Schnier's own, he handed the boy a rose, but instead of white, it's black.

"My name is Yoshinori Robustelli 'Ricardo' Sawada Sinclair Di Vongola" he introduced to the occupant of the room. Snickering, he then said again, "I'm the mix of Tsunayoshi and Vongola Secondo. But details aside, Just call me Yoshi~!" For now they nods, questions could be asked later.

"And mine..." The fedora man chuckled,  "Well, you guys already know this world's me. Alas, The name is Renato Sinclair Sawada Di Vongola. We can't have two Reborn, so just call me Renato."

The hitman of Schnier's world hummed, "No change of rings?" He asked instead, noticing their names.

"Doesn't want to wear all of them" Renato shrugged. "We've undergo a couple of marriages afterall~"

"We did wear the original one" Yoshi said, tugging his collar a bit as he pulled out his necklace where a ring was in fact there. Reborn noticed that it was one's of his parents'

"I'm getting headaches already..." Schnier whined under his breath.

The Jade-eyed man chuckled, ruffling his hair a bit. "Don't worry, we won't traumatized you guys too much"

"How much is too much, tho?" The albino's weary question was met with laughter instead.

Renato smirked. "Well, we ain't gonna hold back with PDA. But we're not that vulgar."

The boy groaned. "Just... Please keep it in a room..."

"It'd better been sound proofed then~ We're both young and hungry~" Yoshi chimes in, still laughing slightly.

"500+ years old is not exactly young, but okay."

The others already at loss of words. 

"What the actual fuck" Henko can only gape while Akira and Shiyo already passed out.

"Right... so you're... married" Takeshi tried not to sounded in too much shock despite it all. Forget about their age, his head already short-circuiting from Reborn's last question.

"Like I said~" Renato smirked again, "More than just married. We have a whole clan just from our children"

"What?" Riku actually spoke up.

"To be precise, 1272 Children, 188 Grandchildren, and I think 72 Great Grandchildren? I couldn't remember" Yoshi hummed. "Not to mention the adoptive ones"

Eyes widened, they screamed "WHAT?!?"

"Y-You're kidding me, right...?" Toshi tried to laugh it off, pale-faced. This is even more dangerous than the thought of having two additional spartans.

"Nope~!" The two replied in sync.

"For you to keeping track of the numbers though, Very impressive, Amore~" Renato pecks his lover's lips as the man giggled lovingly.

"Oh my god, get a room!!" Schnier shrieked, already quite familiar with the sign.

"We will, don't worry. The call did interrupt us." The Fedora man said, While Yoshi is purring to his husband.

Well, shit.

The albino's skin is almost the same color as his hair knowing what he just triggered.

"You've gone soft, my love. Maybe you're tired, want to switch later?" The long haired man give no fucks about the people in the room. He need to show his dominance over his lover and Renato knows his intention, He didn't mind. He's also just as possessive afterall. Although—

"Nah, it's okay. You were having fun, and who am I to ruin that~?" The fedora man returned the sweet tone as he brushed his thumb onto his beloved's plump, slightly bruised lips.

"If you say so~" The slightly shorter male giggled, before then launching himself forwards for a kiss.

Soon enough, it become something more than just a peck.

Even Reborn felt nausea seeing this. Face forming an expression that's beyond unreadable, Blushing is not even an option anymore.

"Please... someone just... Just kill me right now" Schnier bang his head to the table, his whole body is red from embarrassment. Then again, the rest of the room occupant can barely take in the information.

Too much.

These two is way too much.

Fuck, they're using tongue.

Now they understand Schnier's earlier reaction.

After what seemed to be forever, they finally parted.

Trying to putting aside all of that, The head of Vongola noticed that once in a while Renato would rubs his stomach almost protectively.

After a long time of consideration, he sucks in a deep breath, braving himself to ask, "Renato...?" He weakly called, "What's wrong with your stomach?" His Intuition was blaring, telling him that the topic is something that's better left unknown, yet the curiosity gets the best of him.

Well, seeing the man's smirk, he just want to run.

"There's nothing wrong, Baka-Toshi" 

Oh, so he knows their names.

But that's not one of his concern right now. Renato replied him with a mysterious smirk afterall.

Again. Not a good sign.

All the while, he let his lover sneaking his arms to hug his waist from behind. 

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong~" With an equally amused smirk, Yoshi echoed before then resting his chin onto his lover's shoulder before then answering to the question, "He's just pregnant with 30 of our children~"

And just like that, those who hasn't already fainted, finally lost it...

"Maa~ I guess we need to postpone the meeting then~" 

At least Schnier get to smack his senior's head for that.

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