Chapter 15

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"You know, It's not fair that you— one, two, three, four, five of you— get to have Espresso while I drink milk." Schnier scoffed at his siblings and his Sun element. Meanwhile the rest chuckled.

At the moment, his brothers, Sisters— sans Sora, and Elements are joining him for a tea party and just have some talk about the conversation they had earlier. Just among them, and he had asked them to be as peaceful for he can't take another headache really.

"And, Byakuran. That's not a hot choco anymore. That's a marshmallow mountain with cholate after taste" he continued, this time with a comical sweatdrops.

"Maa~ don't be shy if you want some, Tsu-chan! Of course I'll share just for you~" The ring-mare user grinned.

"Ugh, no thanks. And here we're supposed to have a tea party of sort" Schnier shook his head bemused.

"Well, 'of sort'" Viper sips her tea to that tea, making Schnier chuckle before then he starts his explanation as he has promised.

"Yeah, so... About Yoshi, he's an extreme guy on his own." he said, "If you look past his eccentric attitude, He has many unexpected abilities and forms. And by forms, I meant Demonic form such as, his nightmare form— that can control shadows, a Succubus, Incubus, and at the same time also a Vampire."

"Succubus and Incubus?" Lal is baffled.

Schnier shrugs, "He's a switch. That should've been obvious from the way he talked earlier"

"Well, this explains a lot" Toshi chuckled awkwardly.

Schnier was intrigued to tease him but decided to continue anyway, "With that said of course Renato-san himself is not a mere human. He was. But how that fact changed is not for me to tell. And Yoshi-san also forbids me to spill more about his husband so Imma skip him" he scratched his cheek sheepishly, "I don't want to get to his bad side, and I suggested that none of you actually tested on my words"

"Mom, Pick me up, I'm scared" And that came from Henko who felt light headed already.

"Continue?" the others nod. 

"Being the king of mystical creatures himself, he also have some preternatural form, like Dragon and Mermaid."

"Dragon???" Kuro perked up.

"Mermaid???" Shiyo's eyes sparkled.

"Yep. A huge Dark green dragon. And a green tailed mermaid. Well, luckily a Mermaid. And not a Siren like what Renato-san is."

"Omg, Renato-san too??" Riki blinked in surprise. Meanwhile the said man's younger counterpart tipped his fedora down with a smirk.


Schnier rolled his eyes playfully, "Yes. but I'm not going to specifically talked about any of those. So! Moving on, Yoshi-san, however couldn't use sky flame and the other light elemental flames." 

The others halted, "Eh?"

"—Instead, He used dark flames and Ace that shit" the albino explained further, "with that ability, he could teleport and make portals like what I usually made. I actually have a great if not excellent control over my flames because I've been trained by him for a bit of while. And well, his other half"

"Other half?"

"Yeah, Yoshi-san is a mix of Tsunayohi and Vongola Secondo, a.k.a Ricardo. He mentioned that in his first greeting. Well, his other half is a mix of Tsunayoshi and Vongola Primo or the one that we're more familiar with the name, Giotto."

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