Chapter 9

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Grumpy ever since his return from the last mission. Iemitsu sweats, being the receiving end of the not so discreet albino.

"Uhh... Schnier? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, trying not to cowers yet his answer is "No"

"Then what are you glaring him for, idiot?" Henko mused.

"I'm not the idiot here. Iemitsu-san is. And like, 90% of his parallel self"

The others actually snorts a chuckle at that, Nana surprisingly being the loudest.

"Oho~? Should I change our desert with popcorn instead~?" Reborn smirked. to which the blond whined about.

"You know what? Grab me some soda as well, this won't crash our universe anyway" Schnier waved his hand idly in the air.

"You did gave me a hard time in my early life, Ojii-san~" The white-flame user snickered himself, "a bit payback shouldn't be bad, no~?"

"I... urgh... yes. Go on" The former CEDEF head-chief sighed in defeat.

"Wait, you sure it's okay?" Toshi arched a brow. At the moment, there's only Sawada family, Cortesia sisters, Henko and the kids, And the guardians sans Yamamoto and Ryohei on the table. Oh, and of course, Reborn.  

"Some of the stories might not be pretty, but like I said, It's parallel world and past time, therefore it won't disturb the balance of our universe" The younger scoffed, "And I want to rant for a bit"

"hoo boy" Riki rubbed her temple, knowing that it'll be another roller coaster. To which, her husband then take her hand under the table and rubs his thumb over the soft skin comfortingly.

 Accepting his soda, Schnier chuckled as popcorns actually present.

"Oh well, where should I start, hmm~?"

"How about explaining your words earlier— Baka-Ie and Maman as your parents?" His sun element chimes in.


"Sure!" Schnier chuckled again. "From the start then"

he hummed a bit, "Alright so, like what the Satan just said. Putting aside all of the extras and spiciness, Most of the Parallel world actually have list of things in common" the boy flashed them a sharp grin. "We, white rabbits, called it Canon"


"Cannon? like the pirates?" Lambo blinked.

"No, Lambo-kun. Canon as in the general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged." Fuuta explained.

"By definition, yes. That's it." The Albino nods. "Us— the characters enlisted, the events that happen, including the timeline. There's a basic story line of it." He chuckled at the confused look.

"Maa, let's just exposed some of it already then?" He cheekily turned to His Sun element, "Sorry to say, but it seems like the spot light has always been destined for me to have, Reborn~ You're not the leading man~"

"Heh" the Hitman only spare a look, not commenting much despite how intrigued he is since from all people he knows, Schnier mentioned him first.

Well, he'll get his answer sooner or later.

"Yeah, that. Although, The official tittle for the Canon is 'Katekyo Hitman Reborn!' guess, you get the score there" Schnier huffed in pout while the former Arcobaleno actually laughed out loud.

"Oh shush, That aside, I am the star. Well, Tsunayoshi, I mean. You get my point." the albino's cheeks tainted pink, "Therefore, Imma start from him and might tell this from his point of view. Hope you guys don't mind"

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