Chapter 1

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No one's POV

To think things in the Dursley house were good was a bone faced lie.

Harry Potter who had been living with his relatives was living proof that those were lies.

Seven year old Harry Potter had just performed accidental magic by making a cupboard blow up because of fear.

Harry not knowing what he had done was grabbed by his Uncle Vernon Dursley roughly.

Harry was expecting the beating he had become used to everytime he did wrong or for no reason.

"That's it you freak it's time we put a stop to this!" Vernon said as he opened the door to the basement and threw Harry in as he fell to the ground.

Vernon stepped in and locked the door behind him before he grabbed Harry by the hair and dragged him towards the chair he ignored Harry's pleas for him to stop.

Vernon threw Harry onto the chair where he proceeded to pick up a spanner and hit Harry over the head effectively knocking him out.

Harry had awoken and tried to pull his arms but his hands were cuffed and chained to the chair as were his legs.

Harry frantically looked around the room for any means of escape only to hear the door open.

"Please someone help!" Harry screamed but was met with a laugh.

"Boy no one will hear your screams." Vernon said as he walked towards Harry with an evil look on his face.

Harry thrashed against the restraints hoping to get free but to no anvil.

"Now I am going to force the magic out of you boy no matter what or you can just die and join your freak parents." Vernon said.

"You will not insult my parents you useless pompous fool!!" Harry screamed at Vernon who picked up a spanner bringing it down on Harry's toes.

Harry screamed in pain as he thrashed against the restraints on his hands trying to break free.

Vernon continued unfazed by the screams and cries of Harry broke each toe before going behind the chair and doing the same to his fingers but this time he broke each one slowly one by one crushing them with the spanner.

Harry tried to break free but nothing worked eventually Vernon stopped the spanner dripping with blood as he walked back now facing Harry grabbing his head forcing Harry to look at him.

"You did this to yourself freak you are weak and pathetic." Vernon said as he dropped the spanner before he left the basement.

Harry tried moving his fingers or toes hoping they would move but it wouldn't he tried everything until he felt someone speak to him.

"You must survive." Harry heard a voice say and he felt feeling come back to his fingers and toes before he felt as if they were fine.

Harry had no time to wonder what happened as he began thrashing again against his restraints but nothing helped he was trapped.

"I-I need to keep my sanity somehow I must." Harry said as he thought of how to keep his brain in check so he wouldn't lose his mind.

"What's one thousand minus seven?" He said to himself and started counting backwards.

"1000...993...986...979...972..." He continued counting as it slowly worked in keeping his mind sane

The torture had continued and could be said had gotten worse as Vernon would injecting Harry with some kind of a liquid that made Harry's body feel ten times the pain he normally would before breaking Harry's fingers and toes again frustrated each time that they would just heal after he finished torturing him.

Harry Potter: The ghouls awakeningWhere stories live. Discover now