Stylist Noona Pt 63 (Go to Bed) (mostly fluff, tiny bit of smut)

Start from the beginning

You hate to wake the boys up, but you are in desperate need of coffee. If only all of you didn't survive on coffee.

A few minutes later a nice pot of coffee is steaming and ready for you to consume the entire thing and make a whole new pot for the boys.

You pour a cup with cream and sugar, and sit down at the table to let the caffeine get into your system.

The first cup gave you enough energy to go wash your face and get on some clean clothes.

For a moment as you drew on a new t-shirt dress you stared over at your bed. You could swear it was literally calling your name, whispering sweet nothings, seducing you out of your night guard mindset.

It feels like months since you slept in your own bed, god you miss it. You miss waking up to a man who wasn't there when you fell asleep. You miss all of the things you do with those men in your bed.

You've been so focused on Yoongi getting better, sex has been pushed further back, than the back burner. But it doesn't seem to matter enough right now.

You start breakfast around 6:15, and the first signs of life in the house make their way to the coffee machine.

Jungkook, Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon, sit around the table clutching their mugs for warmth. The cooler fall weather seems to have come virtually overnight.

You kiss them each good morning, and serve them scrambled eggs and toast. With 3 cups of coffee in you, you're much more alert and borderline shaky. But it's possible that it's a side effect of sleep deprivation.

Tae and Jimin aren't terribly behind the others when they finally join the breakfast table.

"Jagi, are you okay?" Jimin pouts smoothing down your cheek with the back of his finger. "You look so sleepy."

"Have you been up all night?" Joon asks, by now the whole table is looking highly concerned. So the best thing to do would probably be to give a little white lie.

"I did sleep a bit actually, I feel fine!"

Jungkooks eyebrows furrow, and his big brown eyes study you.

"You're shaking noona, are you sure you slept enough?"

"Yea, I promise, I just had too much coffee before breakfast. I guess I just shouldn't have coffee on an empty stomach." you smile weakly, knowing full well that you are going to reach a point where your body gives up. But you have to be there for Yoongi today. The others have to go to work, so it will only be you and Yoongi in the house, and if you aren't there for him, no one will be.

By 9 the guys, sans Yoongi, had left for work, and you fiddled around the kitchen anxiously before going to check on Yoongi.

You knock before entering.

Yoongi is still asleep with his arm held in place by a wedge and sling. Gently you brush some hair aside to kiss his forehead.

"Mmhph, hey babygirl, what time is it?"

"9:15 ish," you watch nervously as he sits up, preparing to scoot to the edge of the bed. "Here let me help."

Your outstretched hand is ignored as Yoongi pushes up to a stand, wobbling a bit on sleepy legs. He makes his way into the bathroom under your anxious gaze.

"You should go to bed, I know you haven't slept at all." His gravelly voice calls from the bathroom over the faucet running.

"No, I'm okay, I just need to get some more coffee." More coffee is in fact the last thing you need right now.

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