Stylist Noona Pt 34 (I Guess Touching Is Okay)(fluff)

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"I'm very impressed," You look up from your bowl of ramen. "You went from yesterday, when you woke up all the way til now without any sleep. And you played with us last night, and had a full day of being on camera. All of that and you still had energy to fuck me like that."

Jungkook laughs, grabbing more noodles from the pot on the table.

"Well I did power nap on the plane."

"Okay but still. I don't think you're human."

"I have no idea where I'm going to sleep. I don't know where everyone is sleeping, yours is the very top, but I don't remember who you are sharing it with."

"Yea I didn't give you much time before stealing you away. Yea so I'm at the top of the house with Tae, Jin got the room with the big bed, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hobi hyung are in the room with the 2 twin beds, and Joon got the smaller single room."

"Do you think Tae would mind me sleeping with you two tonight?" You get up to wash both of your bowls, and the pot. "Or I can sleep on the couch or something."

"Mind?! I think he'd insist on you sleeping with us, as a matter of fact I insist too, we're not gonna let you sleep on the couch." Jungkook urges that they are more than happy to share a room with you.

He stands up from his place at the table, stretching with a groan, his shirt comes up over the waist of his pants giving a flash of his smooth skin,and the top of his boxers, but its gone too fast, and you refocus on the dishes.

You finish the dishes and dry your hands on a towel, to see Jungkook leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, looking as fresh and awake as ever.

"Stop looking so damn good, try to look more exhausted like the rest of us." You go to him wrapping your arms around his neck and he uncrosses his wrapping them in turn around your waist, placing a soft kiss on your nose.

"But I think you look beautiful noona, are you tired?"

"Mmhmm" You grumble burying your face in his chest, he laughs faintly, stoking your hair away from your face.

"Here, hop on my back, ill take you up stairs." Jungkook gets down enough that you can hop up on to his back, "Is there anything you need from your suitcase?"

"Actually yeah, I think it's still in the bathroom down here. I'm not sure where to put it so that its not in the way. "

"Okay, do you have your phone? Text Tae and ask him to bring the bags up," You do as he says, doing your best to hang on to the man as he jostles you climbing the stairs.

Tae comes down the stairs past you, giving you a cute smile, but as soon as he passes he swats at your butt as you are completely helpless struggling to hold on to Jungkook.

"Hey!" You yelp, your ass is already sore from your spanking earlier. Your small cry is met with giggles of immaturity, from both boys.

Jungkook makes it into the room and set you on the bed without even breaking a sweat.

"I'm gonna go get the other bags, get comfy, we'll be right up."

You nod and get comfortable, taking in the room around you, the dim lights make a cozy atmosphere. Tae and Jungkook have already claimed sides of the bed, as evidenced by Tae's suitcases strewn to the far side of the bed, and his glasses now residing on the bedside table.

Not too long after Jungkook left, Tae comes in slightly out of breath pulling one of your bags behind him.

"Kook has the other ones," He says flopping down on the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, trying to pull you closer.

"Thank you for making it so that I could come with you on the trip,even if PD Choi doesn't think I should be here."

"Of course baby, I knew the guys couldn't go 8 days without you, or at least I couldn't anyways. Plus I didn't want to leave you all alone in that big house." His hands run along your thighs idly.

"Aright!" Jungkook announces entering the room with the rest of the luggage, " Let's get ready for bed, I just heard from Joon hyung that we are gonna have to be up suuuuper early tomorrow."

You and Tae both grumble at the thought of another early morning.

You get up and change into pajamas and brush your teeth and generally get ready for bed, and the boys do the same. You end up being done first and you hop into the middle of the bed pulling the covers up to your neck snuggling into the warm sheets.

Tae joins you first, sliding into be the big spoon, smoothing his hand over your hip, playing with the hem of your shorts, then snaking his way under your shirt towards your boobs.

"Taaaeee please we have to get up early" You complain, you really don't mind, but you're so tired, hes tired, Jungkook, well, probably isn't tired- but if they can't perform on camera you know who's going to get blamed for it.

"I know, I'll stop if you want, I just wanted to touch you, it's not often I get to just savor the feeling of your skin." He kisses the nape of your neck making you shiver. "Your skin is just so soft, and nice."

"Mhhh well I suppose just touching is okay... but that's all! PD Choi will have my head if you guys are too tired tomorrow."

"I know, I know, just touching nothing else."

Jungkook comes out of the bathroom flicking off the light, leaving the bedside lamps as the only source of light. He climbs in bed scooting closer to you and big spoon-Tae, he faces the both of you and puts an arm over your waist feeling Tae's arm under your shirt already, he looks at you surprised.

"Are we doing this?" He asks, presumably meaning a threesome.

"No," Tae speaks, his hand rests on your sternum below your boobs "I just couldn't resist touching her, but that's as far as its going."

"I don't want to get in trouble." You laugh.

"Aw okay," Jungkook smiles sweetly. "I'm sure you're tired, having to deal with us and the traveling.... And me fucking you so well."

"Shut up!" You hit his chest playfully and he laughs at how pink your cheeks blush.

"Okay okay, but seriously noona, you know I respect you saying no right?"

"We all do." Tae chimes in from behind.

You nod

"I know, and thank you, I really appreciate you guys for respecting me like that, it really means a lot."

"Of course" they kiss you, Tae on your shoulder and Jungkook on your forehead.

Kook rolls over and turns off the lamp, and Tae copies him plunging the room into deep darkness

"Good night Taehyung, good night Jungkook, I love you."

"Good night noona, night Tae, I love you."

"Good night Y/N, good night Kookie, sweet dreams, I love you both."



"Can I touch too?"

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