"I want Muffin alive! Who killed her?! Mommy?!" He begged me to answer him, showing Muffin's dead body to me repeatedly.

It was gross to look at if I am being honest. I got a tissue and tried to take her from him, but he shook his head.

"Mommy no! Who killed her?!"

"I don't know Remi. I'm sorry...I blame myself, I should've been more adamant on getting the bugs. If you want to be mad at anyone - be mad at me." I nod my head at him.

Remi just stared at me and his eyes became even more watery. I already knew he was about to have a tantrum by the way his hands started shaking. His lips trembled and he set Muffin back in her container.

He stood up only to run out of the room. Could hear him crying loudly and I groan. My hands ran over my face as I stood up.

Took Muffin and her container, placing it in a place Remi couldn't reach or see. I covered it with a towel and then ran after him.

"Remi!" I call him, trying to listen for his cries and I felt like they were getting farther. It didn't help that I had no idea how to go through this castle.

It was beginning to frustrate me because I told Ezra to let me do the bugs. He wouldn't let me and now look what happened to Muffin... Then there's Remi who is too upset to think considerably.

When I begin to go down the stairs I see the Head Alpha and multiple people surrounding him. I was embarrassed because Ezra did say to stay out of his quarters. I assume the whole first floor is his quarters.

Now I became nervous because I didn't know if Remi ran past them or went a different way from them. Xavion noticed me...and he looked confused as to why I just stood on the stairs.

He gestured for those following him to stay, walking towards me. Once he was going up the stairs to me I groaned.

"Theo what is it?" Xavion questioned me because I assume my face gave away my grief.

"R...Remi's pet tarantula got hurt and I assume it was from one of Ezra's guards. Muffin ended up dying and Remi isn't too happy about that. He ran off and I don't know where he went...uh...I'm sorry!" I apologize, seeing Xavion look around me and then behind him.

"This castle is quite large - he could be anywhere. Anyone could get lost if they didn't know their way around." Xavion had to state to me, causing me to feel worse. "I wouldn't worry. He's only a child - children tend to retrace their steps quite well."

"That's not...the point. His pet tarantula is dead and she was his favorite..." I end up confessing and he snorts. "That's not funny."

"Why don't you go and buy a new one or...I don't know, go out in the forest and steal one?"

"No." I frown at him, disturbed by his lack of consideration and sympathy towards Remi. "Tarantulas are very expensive- if you didn't know that. I saved up...a lot to get him Muffin - and now she's gone."

I sit on the stairs, having lost my appetite now. It was in the back of my mind that I will probably have sex with Ezra still. He seemed very...adamant that we did so. If I didn't make that excuse to eat with Remi I would've never known Muffin died until later.

"How about this?"

I look up and see Xavion crouch before me. He looked at me kindly and I began to feel bad about how Ezra treats him.

"How about I look into finding a new...Muffin?" He smiles at me and before I could respond I saw Ezra.

To see him striding down the hall, eyes enraged it looked. I become nervous as I begin to stand and saw Xavion look over his shoulder in boredom at Ezra.

His Beta of Submission Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant