The airport

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I slept most of the way to the airport as well as having some interesting conversations with the boys. Many selfies were taken and too many skittles were eaten so we got there abit to overactive. I didn't thought due to sleeping. As we were pulling in to London Heathrow I decided to check my phone and call phil. He answered almost straight away 'hi doc' he said. I really missed his accent. 'Hi phil' I responded
'Having a good time Grace?'
'Yeah amazing time. How's life over there?'
'Oh you know normal, boring etc.' he said. We talked for another ten minutes until dougie was trying to get my attention to tell me we were there.
As we approached the check out a group of girls came running over to us. The boys took a few pictures and I stood back just waiting for them to be gone.' You're Grace, off youtube.' One of the girls said. I was abit surprised.' Yeah I am. Hi' I told her. She asked me for a selfie and I talked to her for a little while before being dragged away by Harry and the boys. ' come on we need to ask you something' he said and we checked in and sat in Starbucks.

'So what do you want to ask me?' I asked them. I was worried they didn't want me there anymore so I wanted them to tell me quickly. 'We while you were speaking to that girl we went to check in.' Tom said 'we asked for 7 seats in first class but they only had 1 Spare seems there are a lot of celebrities traveling for the golden globes aswell' matt continued. ' we have decided you should have it as it wouldn't be good for press if one of us are separate and also it would be your first time traveling in first class' Danny finished.
I want sure how I felt about this but I accepted as they wouldn't take any arguments.

After half and hour of waiting ,I was getting quite bored. 'Guys have you got any ideas of what to do?' I asked not looking up from my book. No reply. I looked up to see them all asleep, except tom who was listening to what sounded like Disney music. 'Hey Walt, do you have any ideas of what we can do?' I asked loud enough for him to hear. He looked at me like a fox caught in headlights 'wh what me?' He asked obviously pulled out of a daydream. 'No benedict Cumberbatch. Of course you.' I said with a smirk. ' we could do abit of penny boarding and then it'll be time to board.' He suggested and I agreed. We stood up and got on our penny boards and skated around the place whilst playing the home alone sound track through the speakers.
After a while we heard our flight being called to board and realised we were late. We skated as fast as we could to the gates and got there to see the boys waiting. ' where have you been? You almost made us late' they told tom.
I walked ahead to get to first class, after saying good bye to everyone. As I was walking to the plane the pain in my leg came back and I felt as if I was going to pass out. I had to carry on though and continued walking....

hope you enjoyed that chapter. Please comment what idea you have. Follow me on Twitter for more updates @graciesmelly

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