Meeting mcbusted

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I can't believe I am going and staying at Tom and Gi fletchers house. This is just,wow. When I was done on the phone to Dan and Phil I decided to wait outside with Tom. It had got dark and I could see the lights over london like a back drop on a stage or something. Only five minutes had passed until Tom came out with my board and my bag 'are you okay to ride it will only be like a 20 minute journey.' He was so considerate 'yeah I'll be okay, are you sure it's okay for me to come down?' I asked just so I felt like I wasnt intruding 'yes I think it's really cool you are actually coming, I can't wait to work on some music' and with that we left.

We got to toms five minutes earlier then planned. We decided to walk down his street so we could cool off before going in. As we approached toms house I had to pinch myself to make sure this was real. I saw him struggling to find his keys and he was making a lot of noise. 'Are you okay?' I asked him and before I got an answer the door had opened. Obviously Gi had heard him aswell. I walked in to the house and was taken back by the awesomeness of it. All of a sudden I felt to arms going around me and came back to reality. Gi was greeting me like an old friend. 'Hello Gi,I'm grace nice to meet you, I am a very big fan' I said after we had hugged and she had introduced herself and welcomed me to her house. Tom came over to us and put his arm around Gi. 'Grace I'm a big fan of you. I'm always watching you videos and collabs. I really want to work with you at some point.' She had told me. At this point I did really believe I was dreaming this was unreal. ' omg yes I would love to make a video with you'
' yes well you can do that another day, we need to get working on some music now. I'll show you to the music room and I'll get us a drink' Tom said and with that he left.
After about half an hour of working we had talked about everything; YouTube, mcbusted, doctor who (a lot), nerdy stuff,Harry potter and of course sherlock. I looked at my phone and saw it was 7:00 pm and I realised that I had eaten since 8:00 this morning and I suddenly became hungry, I felt rude If I just asked for food but then it turned out I didn't because Gi came through the door holding two bags of fish and chips. 'Thank you so much' we both said in harmony.
After 20 minutes of eating and talking about our personal lives toms phone started to ring 'do you mind if I get that?' I told him no and he went into the corridor and talked. It was a very quick phone call cause he was back in after 5 minutes. He had a massive grin on his face ' was that your phone call to be the new doctor?' I joked with him. He just smiled and logged on to his computer and opened Skype. Just then Danny Jones, dougie poynter and James Bourne walked in. I was just sat there mouth wide and staring. I honestly could not believe that this was really happening. Dougie came over to me first and gave me a hug 'hi I'm dougie' he said
'Yeah' I sort of breathed like an idiot. Next James walked over to me and done a sort of bow infront of me 'James Bourne at your service' he said
'Yeah' I again idiotically said. Then Danny Jones walked over to me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek 'hi I'm Danny Jones' he said. At this point I was just staring. They all stared back looking confused 'yeah that's getting abit scary now' Danny said. And then I suddenly came back to reality and relised that 4 members of McBusted were standing in front of me and all I had said was yes.
Get with it grace

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