The note

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Graces POV

I woke up at 8:30 to the sound of the front door shutting. I checked my phone to see that I only had less then an hour to have breakfast and get to rehearsal. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see pancakes on the kitchen table. I presumed ben was already up and they were his. "BEN" I shouted. Be reply. "BEN" I shouted again, walking towards the stairs. No reply. I was starting to worry. I walked up the stairs and into his room. He wasn't there. I walked towards the already made bed and saw a note which read;
If you are reading this, you have probably woke up late, saw pancakes on the table and started worrying because I am not there. Don't worry, all will be revealed.
P.s you can only have the pancakes if we swap rooms.

"No chance" I said to myself and I through the note onto the bed. I decided skip breakfast and get changed and leave as soon as, seems I didn't really know where I was going. I went into my room and picked up the first things I could find, sure I looked a mess but I really didn't care. I picked up my board and my bag and left when my phone rang
"Hello" I said
"Hi grace, are you on the way?" I heard tom say back to me "yeah, why?"
"Oh I didn't know if you knew the way or not, but if you are on the way then" he said, trailing off. I thought. I really didn't know the way "wait tom, I don't know where I am going to be honest, do you think you can pick me up pleeeaassssee?" I asked as nicely as I could. "Sure okay, we will be there in 5 minutes" I heard tom sigh "thank you so much" I said and I put down the phone.

After 10 minutes of waiting, the boys were finally here. "Jump in" tom said from the drivers seat, and matt opened the door for me to get in. I awkwardly climbed over him so I could sit in the middle of him and Doug. I could hear bruno Mars playing. We all exchanged our greetings and hugged as best we could in the car. "Hey grace, how's the house?" Danny asked from behind me "it's really nice, there's a pool and a cinema and stuff" I replied "I got the biggest room, shame guys" I said laughing. "What about ben? And any way where is he?" Harry asked. "Yeah, I knew there was someone missing" James said. I explained the story and could see everyone trying to work out what was going on. "He's obviously hiding something" dougie popped up. "Do you think?" Matt asked "yeah, maybe he just had some work" tom continued "or maybe he has something planned" Harry suggested. We spent the next half an hour discussing what could be going on. I knew something good was in store.

I know this is bad. Sorry. I just wanted to write a quick chapter . Please remember to vote for this story and remember to give me any of your ideas
Also if you want to get in touch you can find me
Twitter: @setlockumbrella
Instagram: @red_vines10
Btw I don't own that video I just think it is amazing so added it

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