The offer

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Omg I can't Believe Tom fletcher, the Tom fletcher was inviting me to have coffee with him.
We walked down the road to Starbucks and I heard my phone ringing. It was Phil
'Grace where the hell are you, it's the interval and me and Dan are really starting to worry'
'It's okay, I'm with Tom, my leg went again when I was.. Oh I'll tell you later'
'Wait. You're with him, Thomas fletcher, the man that we are meeting later?'
'Yes, I'll explain later me and Tom will meet you after the show' and with that I hung up.
'Was that Phil?' Tom asked
'Yes sherlock it was Phil'
He smiled sweetly to him self and we walked the rest of the journey in silence, it wasn't awkward though, It was nice.
I heard open the door and let grace go in first. The smell of coffee hit me straight away . It felt like home. 'Go and sit down and I'll bring the drinks over' I told her
'But you don't know what I want'
'It will be a surprise and it will be nice.' I told her with a smile and with that she went and sat down
I decided to get her a signature hot chocolate with caramel and cinnamon as it was getting late and she looked cold. I got the same for myself. As i turned around with the tray there was two girls standing right behind me. I gave them a smile and went to walk past them( the tray was heavy)
They moved right in front of me again
'Excuse me can I get past please?'
I asked realising that they were obviously fans
'Tom Tom can I get a picture?'
'Can you sign my phone?'
'Can you say hi to joe on a video?'
'Can we buy you coffee?' They were talking really fast and it was getting quite scary. 'Sure let me put this tray down and you can get a picture' I told them trying to be polite as possible but again they didn't move. 'Excuse me girls'
'No. Take a picture with us and then buy us coffee and talk to us and then we will consider moving.'
I glanced over at grace and she was sat there watching intently. She could see I wasn't comfortable so she walked over to me. 'Excuse me girls, let me take the tray off Tom and then you can take one picture and then leave happily.' She said politely. 'Omg you're grace you live with Phan. Wow this is amazing.'
I then saw fear in her eyes and she saw it in mine 'time to leave grace?' I asked her knowing already the answer 'defo'
I grabbed her hand and we ran out of Starbucks and up the road. I then turned around to see them chasing after us. I told grace and we both spead up. I dragged her into a building I knew well . It was our studio

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