The battle part 1

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Graces POV
"Is everyone ready?" Tom says from the front of the car. There's a mumble of yes and we set of. I am sitting next to Dougie and Danny whilst Harry,Matt and James are in the back discussing mugs. Tom puts the radio on and air guitar is playing and Everyone sang along. After a twenty minute drive, we pull up to the house and all scramble out of the car. "Where's Ben?" James asks, walking up beside me. "He should be in" I say, noticing the lights aren't on. All of a sudden the door opens and Benedict is standing in the door way, dressed fully in black with a red bandana on his head and a nerf gun in his hand. "Hi, there's gonna be a bit of a change tonight, come in and all will be explained." He says and turns a round to walk in. I look to all the boys, they are standing with their mouths wide, trying to work it out.
I go in first. The walls are covered in black card and the floor is covered in black rugs and towels. The windows are blocked and the only light source is fairy lights hanging from every wall and glow sticks on the ceiling. This looks interesting.

I walk into the living room and wait for the rest to join me. I'm really worried they aren't going to enjoy this but I think they will. Grace is first to join me followed by Tom, James, Harry, Danny, Dougie and finally Matt. "What's going on?" Grace asks me. I look at her and wink. "Welcome mcbusted plus 1 to the battle house. For one night only, this house has turned into a nerf arena. For the whole night we will be battling it out in teams for the leaders of the house. There will be 4 teams, each assigned a colour. Everyone person will get a nerf gun, suitable camouflage, communication and a bandana for their team." I pause and look at them all puzzled. "There are a number of items around the house such as ammo, nerf guns, food, camo and stars. The team that perform best and collect a suitable amount of stars win. Does everybody understand?" I finish. They all look around and say yes in Union. "What are the teams?" Danny asks.
"The teams are as followed; Grace, you are with me and we're the red team" I say and she moves and stands next to me, fist pumping on the way. "Tom and Danny, you are green. James and Matt, blue. And finally Harry and Dougie you are yellow. Every team has a base around the house. The whole house is in play, including outside and there will be a map for each of you for where the stars are, it is your job to stop the other teams getting them first. Every team will get a backpack with string, tape, net, black camo paint and anything else to help you. The game will start at the hour." I look at my watch and see we have half an hour to get ready. "Everyone okay?" I ask before the battle starts. They shout yes, seeming pumped." Grab your bags, colour and nerf gun and there will be a siren at the start, off you go." And with that the game began.

Hi hi.
It's been a long time from my last update, I'm sowwy. It will probably be a long time till my next as well cause I will be off failing exams. Also the video at the top it when I was in a nerf advert five years ago. Yeah that's it.
Hoping you are well, good bye

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