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Graces POV
We spent half an hour drinking our drinks before we were up and on the move again. "So what do you want, clothes wise?" Ben asked me as we walked towards the shopping centre "Erm what ever I can afford really" I replied as a force of habit. Benedict stopped and looked at me "do you really think I'm gonna let you buy a whole new wardrobe when you are here with me, I was going to buy it for you" he told me, smiling and continuing to walk." Wow thank you, you have done so much for me in the past 24 hours. Remind me to repay you in someway" I replied, looking at the floor "sure, if you say so" he said. There was a brief silence between us. "I'll probably get a pair of jeans, a pain of shorts, a new t shirt, a shirt and a jumper, if that's okay?" I asked him cautiously "sure that's fine, anything else?" He asked me, respectfully. "Well yeah, but is it okay if I buy them by myself, you know" I started, but he cut me off "of course, I understand" and we entered the store.
About 2 hours later, we came out of the shops and made our way back. Ben brought me everything I wanted, and a new pair of converse. We were now walking down the street. "Benedict, benedict!" I heard someone shout from across the street. By this time it was busy so he was bound to be spotted. We both turned a round to look. All of a sudden, he was bombarded with phones and paper from people who are doing what I should be doing, but have been put in a good situation. I stood aside and let ben do what he needed to do. I smiled, thinking that they were just like me, fangirls. "What the hell are you smiling at, and who even are you? Bens engaged love, no one wants you here" one of the girls snarled at me. I saw ben look up and to the girls who had said it "look at you, you're pathetic, ben doesn't care about you." They said. I was truly hurt. To think that this is what people the other side of computer screens and usernames can become. I hadn't noticed ben come and stand infront of me, as if he were protecting me. "Girls, there's no need for that. Grace happens to be one of my good friend. You shouldn't say things like that to people, we didn't have to stop and sign autographs, be greatful." He said. The girl just rolled her eyes "and for the record" Ben continued "I do care about her, very much. Sorry to the rest of you that I didn't get pictures with all of you. Thank you for your continuous support." And with that we walked away

Authors note
Yet another update, I am good
I just wanted to let you know about the image and to comment on the tragic loss we had today. Leonard nimoy, otherwise known as Mr. Spock. He lived long and prospered for 83 years and has unfortunately passes away today
He will be missed

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