Plane journey

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After explaining to this magnificent man why I was playing with McBusted, we were getting on pretty fine. He had told me Afew facts no one knew about him and he seemed pretty comfortable around me. I still felt like I was dreaming. ' listen grace, it is really unlike me to be this comfortable around fangirls but I think you're okay so don't feel like you have to be nervous. If anything I should be nervous.' He told me. I couldn't believe the man I have posters above my bed of, just told me that he is nervous around me ,sort of. He realised that I was in shock and what he just said was stupid. 'Do you want another drink?' I asked him to stop the awkwardness. 'Grace, you don't need to buy them, I wouldn't seem like a gentleman if I let you get them' and with that he was calling over the air hostess and ordering is some champagne.
'So I was wondering, where's sophie?' I asked him when he turned back around. I couldn't stand saying her name after the amount she had made me cry on November the fifth, but I think benophie was growing on me. 'Oh she's at home. She was ill and I didn't want her to come and make herself worse with bump and that' he said. He sounded sad about it 'sorry. I didn't even say congrats on the announcement. Congratulations' I said sounding like a complete fool. 'Thank you Grace. It means a lot knowing I have my fans support....' He stopped and thought. ' actually it means a lot knowing I have my friends support.' He said with a massive grin on his face.
Did benedict Cumberbatch just say I was his friend?

This is so bad sorry. Please keep sending ideas they are helping a lot.

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