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I'm so glad tom didn't catch me earlier. If he had then no one would enjoy them selves. I still had things I needed to buy and so I went to our local hardware store and picked up some fairy lights and everything black I could find like towels and card. I got home at around 2 and started to set up. I needed to make the house completely dark first so I put on some Beatles and got to work, sticking rugs to the celling and card to the walls.

We got back to the studio for half one. I handed out the pizzas and sat back on the sofa that was in the technical part. Dougie sat next to me and took a slice "this is my favourite" he said eating it whole. "Same" I replied. I watched as the other boys continued practicing, occasionally stopping to have a bite and then continuing." Shouldnt you be in there?" I asked, realising that dougie was still sat next to me. "I should be yeah, but I wanted to talk to you for a bit seems I don't get much chance to speak around the guys" he said, I could tell something was bugging him, I turned to face him and put the pizza in between us "what wrong?" I asked him. He looked at me "I just don't know where the band is going anymore and I don't know where we are going." He said, messing with his hair. "What do you mean?" I asked him, slightly confused. "I mean that I'm just not sure how long we can continue like this and if the fans are hating us or getting bored of us." He said looking directly into my eyes. "I rubbed his arm "Dougie, trust me on this. Fans who don't like Mcbusted are just as bad as being not fans at all and do you really want them sort of people saying they like Mcfly?" I asked him, not really sure what I was saying "no" he replied, "well then, who cares what not real fans think of you. Real fans don't care what you do, as long as you are enjoying it and making music you want to make. That's all that matters" I said reassuringly. He hugged me "thank you so much grace, that really helped me a lot." He said and let go to practice.

I put the fairly lights in each room so that it looked like some sort of warehouse. I stood back and looked around and then realised that my music had stopped. Had I really been decorating for a whole cd? I check my watch "Man" I said. It was 4:00 and I still had loads to do. I picked up the skate boards and put them in each long corridor and then positioned the furniture so no one would get hurt but Also so it looked better. I took the things out of their boxes, there was 20 of them, money well spent, and put 12 of them in random positions around the apartment and then 8 laid out on the sofa. I then grabbed all the bandanna, gloves, scarfs, jumpers and just about every black piece of clothing I could find and scattered them around the house. I sat down to my complete work. This will be fun

-----------•-•>--&6 ):£/!)/&;@£:£/authors note
Sorry guys, I have had a complete writing block
I have not planned any of this chapter and I have been making it up as I write
Sorry guys

Cheekbones on a planeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant