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So I was currently standing in a room with some of one of my favourite groups. Today had been mad. 'Hey my names grace. As you can tell I am a huge fan and I am in disbelief that you are standing there.' I sort of blurted out.
'Yeah well Tom was going crazy about how good you was and we were coming down anyway so we decided to come in a see if he's lying' Danny explained. At this I blushed quite a lot. Just at that moment to break the awkwardness I heard the annoying Skype tone we all simultaneously turned to look at the computer. I couldn't believe it. Matt Willis and Harry Judd was on the computer screen. I could feel that I was staring but I couldn't help it. This is the sort of stuff I imagine before I go to bed. 'Hi boys and I presume you're Grace' Harry said. I was screaming so loudly in my head. Had harry judd from mcbusted really just said my name wtf ' erm yeah I'm she. Why are you two not here may I ask' I said rather cheekily.
'Oh well we're at the gym but couldn't miss this opportunity' matt said. Something was going on and I just wanted to know why everyone was so focused on me. 'What's going on?' I asked anyone who would listen. 'Okay so we have an offer for you but I want the boys opinion before I can ask' Tom explained. Now I was nervous 'okay erm so what am I meant to do?'
'We want you to sing us a song. Any song but make it good' James told me. I sat there for a while and though about what I was about to do. They wanted me to sing a song infront of all of my favourite band this can't be real. I decided not to make a fool out of myself anymore and go for it. I picked up the guitar and started to play sleeping with the light on.
The song sort of flowed. I could hear James harmonising and Harry giving sort of a beat. The song then finished. I stopped playing at looked around all 6 boys were staring at me. 'How was that?' I asked. Non of them moved and then Tom stood up and nodded at the others who all nodded back. 'Grace we have an offer for you. You don't have to feel pressured into it but we would be honoured if you did. Would you like to perform with us at the golden globes and travel to America tomorrow?'

Cheekbones on a planeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon