Chapter 9 : Sonic's Chao Dash

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Sonic's POV

9 years ago

It was 9 years ago when I was 6 years old. It was after my birthday. I was running around the backyard enjoying the summer breeze. My mother came from the backyard door. Her name is Bernadette and she has the same hairstyle as mine but she also have a yellow bang hair on her forehead.

"Sonic we have a special surprise for you!"

"Coming mom."

I ran to my mother's arms then she kissed my forehead and carried me to the living room where my father is sitting in the couch. He used to have bodies like us but after the Great War  he was badly wounded and the only way to save his life is to put him in a robot body to keep him alive. But he still cares for me and my mom and still has his emotions. My mom put me down and I ran to my father's metal lap. It felt cold but I'm used to it. My mother sat next to her husband.

"What is it you wanna show me? Please tell me I can't wait much longer!"

My father chuckled."I know you're not patient but please just wait my son."

"Fine." I pouted while I cross my arms.

My mother giggled and she picked up a present next to the couch on the floor.

"We meant to give this present yesterday but the mailman have to send it after the party. Here you go dear try not to shake it."

She hand me the present and I was anxious to see what is inside. I carefully opened it to see a chao egg. I gasped with excitement.

"My own chao?!"

"I believe you're ready to have a pet honey. It's only an egg now but it will hatch in a week."

"But that will take forever."

My father said"Having a pet is a big responsibility so take really good care of it."

"I will. Thanks you guys!

I kissed and hug both of my parents as they did it back and I ran upstairs to my room with my new friend. I opened and closed my door to my room which is really blue and have pictures of me and my family or my medals of winning the gold medal in the track team. I put my egg next to my bed on the floor so it could be safe. I looked at it with an exciting smile on my face.

"Don't worry my friend I will take care of you and love you forever and I'll never let you go. I promise."

I kissed the egg and ran back downstairs.

A Week Later

The chao egg and I were both on the same bed. I was starting at it rarely blinking. I've been doing this for 2 hours now. I've become to be impatient of why it's not hatching since it been a week. My mother said that doing this would give me a headache and my eyes would hurt for staring at one thing for a long time but I don't care and still continue. Then suddenly the egg started to move and I sat up immediately and look closely at its movements. Then out came out my own chao that I've been waiting to see. The chao looked at me and smiled seeing that I'm his master. I smiled back.

"Hello I'm Sonic the hedgehog and we're gonna be best friends forever.

"Chao chao."

I hugged him tightly in my arms and it hugged me back. My parents were in the my doorway and they smiled at the friendly moment. Ever since that day we became the best of friends and spend everything together like sleeping , playing , and even sleeping. I had trouble finding a good name for it and I thought the name Dash which it liked. Afterwards it formed a blue caccoon around itself  which got me worried. He suddenly transformed to look like a green hedgehog. My parents told me it grew into adulthood. He started to turn more blue in color and started to look like me and I thought that is totally cool! My parents are happy for me and Dash. However happy things can't last forever.

One day a group of strange man broke out into our house. I hold Dash close to me as my parents tried to defend me.

"Bernie take Sonic and Dash to their room."

"But da-"


Mom grabbed me and Dash upstairs while dad was left behind. She opened the door and put us down.

"What's gonna happen to daddy? Who are those people?"

"I don't know honey but stay here while I help him."

I tried to stop her by hugging her.

"NO! I don't want you to get hurt too!
Please stay. I'm scared." I started to have tears in my eyes and mom hugged me back.

"Me too. But I have to help your father. You won't be alone. You have Dash to take care of you."

She kissed my forehead and got out of my grip and locked the door. I banged on the door really hard.


I started to cry even harder and felt Dash hugged me and I hugged him back. I took him to a corner so we could be safe. We could hear yelling and loud shots of guns. Then suddenly the voices stopped and I heard footsteps coming upstairs. I panicked and hid me and Dash in my closet. I heard the door broke and soft voices and I could see a shadow of a figure holding a gun. I tried to be silent and hold Dash tighter. The men broke my closet and Dash broke out of my grip to flew in front of me to protect me. But one of the guys shoot him in his chest and he fell on the floor. I hold on to him as I burst out on tears.


One of the men grabbed my hair as I was taken away downstairs. My eyes widened as I saw my dad destroyed in peices and my mother in a puddle of bloof. Tears began to stream from my face.

"MOMMY!!!!! DADDY!!!!!"

The men took me away in a car and it drove away with me inside.

End of Story

I had tears streaming from my eyes remembering the times I used to have. Shadow's ears were flat down with a sad look on his face and Shade started to show tears of his own. I burst out tears having my hands on my eyes. Then suddenly Shadow pulled me to a hug.

"I'm so sorry that this had happen to you. Sorry for bringing it up."

"That's alright master."

"Please just call me Shadow."

I looked up to see Shadow having tears which made me feel bad.


I hugged him back as I weap my heart out. Shade squeezed in the hug to hug me as I well and we stayed like that for a while.

Normal POV

Little did the hugging trio know , Mephiles had his ears at the bedroom door hearing the whole conversation. He was furious that Shadow was too nice to his slave and walked back to his throne room.

Oh no. Looks like Mephiles is pretty angry at his son. Sorry that the picture I posted is sideways. That's a picture of my chao garden at SA2B.


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