Chapter 12 : Shade's Mission

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Normal POV

As Scourge is walking towards Sonic , Sonic is backing away from Scourge until he bumped into a corner. Scourge put his left hand to the wall facing Sonic with an evil grin while Sonic is  feeling very frightened now.

"Now that I told you my name , now's the time for ne to hear yours."


"The name fits you pretty well."

Scourge looked at Sonic's outfit with a smirk.

"Like your cute outfit it makes you look...cute."

"Th-thank you."

Then suddenly Scourge kissed Sonic on the lips which os the first one for Sonic but not for Scourge.SHADOW WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SONIC'S FIRST KISS NOT SCOURGE!!! Scourge deepens the kiss with a moan while Sonic's eyes widen with a whimper. Scourge let his tounge travel his roomate's mouth and licked Sonic's tounge which he doesn't like at all. Scourge then traveled under Sonic's maid outfit to his thighs which made Sonic shake like a leaf. Scourge finally let go to catch his breath still rubbing his thighs.


"I'm afraid I can't do that...not until I get what I want."

"What is it you want from me?"

"Your body so that we can be in pleasure together."

Sonic's eyes widen with fear and tries to get away from Scourge but he just threw him to the floor and got on top of him.

"Don't worry my're gonna like it."

"Please leave me alone!"

Scourge was about to kiss Sonic again until some castle gaurds got to their cage and unlocked it to separate Sonic and Scourge.

"Come on slave it's time for your death."

The gaurds grabbed Sonic and was about to head out until Scourge killed one of them with a knife. Sonic was shocked and sacred to see the gaurd on the ground on a puddle of blood which reminds of his mother's death.

"Step away from my blue hedgehog you fools!"

One of the gaurds grabbed the knife away from Scourge and punched him in the face leaving a big bruise on it.


The gaurds left the cage locking ir with Sonic in thier possession leaving Scourge rubbing his face with a death glare.

With Shadow and Shade

Shade's POV(He's thinking in his mind in English instead of Chao language)

I watched Shadow as he's writing a note on a piece of paper. The plan is that I can get out of our bedroom in the airducts without Shadow since he's too big to fit in there and I have to get this letter to Amy , Tails , and Knuckles so they can get Shadow out of here to save Sonic . After he was finished , Shadow lead me to the air vent and he kicked it which made the bars broke loose.

"You remember the plan right Shade?"

I nodded at Shadow"Chao!"

"Good luck I'm counting on you."

We hugged before I went in the air ducts while Shadow covered it with a bag so no one will find out that he opened the cage to the air ducts. I flew through the air ducts to the kitchen to inform Knuckles first. When I made it there , I see the trio are all in there which made this a lot easier. I hear them talking about Shadow.

"Why would Mephiles ordered the gaurds to take his own son to his bedroom boys?"

"Something must've happened between them in the throne room." Knuckles said.

"I hope Shadow is alright."

I tried to get their attention by banging on the cage.

"Chao chao!Chao chao chao!"

They turned around to me with a surprised look on his face.


"What are you doing in the airvents?"

Knuckles climbed up to the cage to get me out.

"Stand back Shade."

I did what he said and he punched the opening. I flew out of the airvents to the others.

"Shade what is going on. Where's Shadow?"

I hand the letter that I was supposed to send to Tails and Knuckles and Amy goes to his side to read it.

Dear Tails , Amy , and Knuckles

I'm locked in my room by the gaurds because of my father. I need you guys to get me out of my room ASAP. Dad is gonna kill Sonic  , who is in the dungeon , so he won't get in the way of my heir to the throne. Please you're my only hope for saving him.


They were shock that Sonic is about to get killed.

"Oh my gosh that's terrible!"

"We have to save Shadow and Sonic."

"But Tails we might get killed if we help them."

"I don't care. We're Shadow's friends and went the only people who can save those two hedgehogs. Shadow's depending on us and Shade to stop Mephiles to ruin their their friendship now are you guys in?"

"Chao chao!"

"I'm with you too Tails."

"Knuckles please we need you."

"*sighs*Okay fine I'm in."

"Awesome. Let's go people."

Shadow's glad to have some people he can trust. They maybe can be his friends.

We all head out to Shad room to save him and Sonic.


Sup people!! I got done with this chapter early since you guys liked my story so much and you gave it so much support.

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