Chapter 8

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Normal POV

In the lobby

Shadow is pacing back and forth while Shade ,  Knuckles , and Amy is watching him. He's been foing that for 30 mins!

"What is taking them so long? I have to see if Sonic's okay. I hope dad didn't injure him that badly. He didn't do anything wrong after all." Shadow thought.

"Shadow you need to calm down."

"I can't calm down Amy. My slave is being hurt for no reason."

"You really care for him don't you Shadow?" Knuckles asked.

"Well...yes I do. Even though he's just a slave he deserves to be treated like a normal person and I really want to be his friend but I can't do that in front of dad and that's the thing that makes me upset."

"Chao chao..." Shade flew to Shadow to hug him and Shadow hugged him back which made him cheer up a little.

Then the door that leads to the basement opened which immediately got Shadow's attention. Out of the door came Mephiles and the now whipped blue hedgehog. Shadow's eyes were wide when he saw Sonic has a lot of marks and bruises on his body and his uniform is a wreck coverwd with blood.Shade , Amy , and Knuckles gasped.

"SONIC!!!" Shadow ran to Sonic's side along with the others.

"D-don't w-worry m-master I-i'm f-fine."

"If you'll excuse us I need to put Sonic on salt water."

"Dad don't you think this is enough for him?"

"No. There's never enough pain for a slave. We talked about this." Mephiles carried Sonic to the bathroom.

"Gotta follow them to make sure Sonic's alright."Shadow silently sneaked behind Mephiles and followed him.

In the bathroom

Mephiles carried Sonic just above the salt water. Sonic closed his eyes prepared for the stinging pain. Mephiles dropped Sonic into the water.


Sonic's painful scream can be heard all over the castle. It brings pain to Shadow's heart hearing it that he has tears coming down from his eyes. He went back to his room

Sonic has tears of pain from his eyes as Mephiles carried him out of the water and put a towel around him. The water is now a dark red color now.

"Okay Sonic I'm done with you. Your new blue maid uniform is in the same closet you got the previous one."

Sonic weakly walked to the closet to dress into his blue maid uniform and looked out for Shadow but sees Shade instead.

"Shade do you know where our master is?"

Shade pointed to Shadow's bedroom and Sonic opened the door to see Shadow sitting on his bed looking at the floor with his head down with tears streaming from his eyes. When he looked up to see his slave at the door , Shadow hugged Sonic. Sonic was surprised that he is actually hugging and crying on him.

"Sonic are you okay?"

Sonic lost his balance and was about to fall until Shadow catched him and picked him up bridal style. Both of the hedgehogs blushed of what position they're in.

"I-I'm fine master. Just still weak from being whipped."

"Okay good."

Shadow laid Sonic on his bed.

"But master you know I can't be on-

"I don't care if your a slave and all those stupid rules. You're a great person with a unique talent and ever since I bought you in that shop and bring you here you did amazing things and you did better than the chef , maid , and gardner. You don't deserve to be a slave at all! And I wanna be your friend and treat you like a free person."

Sonic was very shocked that Shadow cared for him so much.


"And everyone else would feel the same way once they get to know you."

"Chao." Shade  flew to Sonic to hug him tightly and puts Sonic's hand on his head wanting him to pet him.


"I guess Shade trusts you to pet him which he rarely does to people he just met. He only does it for me and my father. You can pet him if you want."

"Okay master." Sonic started scratching his right ear and he smiles as Shade shows his reaction to the pleasure.

"Do you ever have a chao Sonic?"

Sonic stopped petting Shade as he remembered his time with his chao and his family and he started to get very sad.

"Yes... do want me to talk about him and my family?"

"Yes please." Shadow and Shade sat down on his bed next to Sonic to hear Sonic's life story before he was a slave.

Thanks for reading this chapter! Also thank you for the 244 views on my story. Thanks for all of your supports.

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